Show So They e Say a aNever N Never ever in history has a country country country coun coun- try cooperated so openly and so loyally with another country as Panama has with the United States President President de la Guardia Guardia Guardia Guar- Guar dia of Panama I I consider that every artist who isolates himself from the world is doomed I find it in incredible incredible incredible in- in credible that an artist should want to shut himself away from the people who in the end form his audience Dmitri Dmitri soviet soviet- composer and fire warden Not since the days of the Revolution have we ever had much of a chance to lose a war war And we have a chance to lose this one William William L. L Batt chairman raw materials materials materials ma ma- board And now upon the resources valor lalor skill and energy of ot these United States largely perhaps principally hangs the future of an entire way of life as for a year or more It hung upon th the British commonwealth alone Lord Halifax British ambassador dor to the United States |