Show J M More ore Than 60 Per Cent of States State's Motorists 1 Now Possess Federal Use Tax rax Stamps More than 60 per percent cent of Utah I operators have purchased purchased pur pur- pur-I pur chased federal use tax stamps since late January according to figures released Tuesday by the post office department in Salt Lake Lale City Post office sales throughout the state show stamps sold soldat soldat soldat at 2 09 each or total revenue of 52 a according cording to Robert RobertJ J J. J Twiggs postal cashier for the Salt Lake office who made a report to Postmaster I I. I A A. Smoot More than 1000 stamps in addition have been sold from the theoffice theoffice theoffice office of of I I I. I N N. Hinckley United States income tax collector for Utah All AU automobiles trucks buses motorcycles and motor motorboats motorboats motorboats boats in use come within the new law taw Beginning March 1 the stamps will cost 1 67 covering the period ending with wilh the fiscal year on June 30 Each month the use tax declines cost being prorated on ona ona ona I a 5 55 a year basis An estimated motor vehicles do not bear I stamps at this time The stamp issue will be glued on the front instead of on the back This is expected to overcome overcome overcome over over- come the the difficulty many motorists motorists motorists motor motor- reported in pasting the stamps on windshields to be visible from the outside Motor vehicle owners or operators operators opera opera- tors who do not comply with the use tax law face prosecution on a misdemeanor charge Mr Hinckley stated |