Show I IThe The National Wh By Ray Tucker Telegrams Telegram's Washington Co Correspondent r WASHINGTON Whenever army and navy appear before congressional committees one first question shot at themis them themis is How about MacArthur Can you reinforce or relieve him MacArthur cannot be reinforced reinforced reinforced rein rein- forced and he cannot be relieved He has orders from Chief of Staff Marshall to be captured under no circumstances but itis it itis itis is doubtful if he will obey any command requiring him to desert desert desert de de- de- de sert his troops in the field Always a daredevil soldier probably probably probably ably he will choose to die with his men rather than fight another another another an an- other day MacArthur has become a unique symbol since the fall of Singapore The conquest of that bastion caused the white whiteman whiteman whiteman man a great loss of face in inthe inthe inthe the eastern world The Japs are trying to capitalize on their triumph to cow the Chinese and the Indians to prove that the yellow are superior to the occidental occidental dental peoples As long as the American bulldog outnumbered 10 O to one holds out Tokyo cannot cannot cannot can can- not make good on its racial sales talk The jaunty year 62 old general holds aloft the torch of western prestige and civilization civili civili- The Cliveden Set at Washington Washington Washington Wash Wash- ington which President Roosevelt Roosevelt Roosevelt Roose Roose- velt denounced is a different breed of dowagers from the pro- pro Hitler clique which dominated British drawing rooms before September 1939 It may have escaped public attention but on the noon before he assailed American appeasers Mr Roosevelt lunched with the leader lead lead- er of England's Englan s 's former Clive Cliveden- Cliveden den den- ites Ambassador ites-Ambassador Ambassador Halifax There is no Clive Cliveden den Set at atthe atthe atthe the capitol It exists only in inthe inthe inthe the presidential mind Mr Roosevelt however consigns consigns consigns con con- signs all dissenters from his performance performance performance per per- to a mythical concentration concentration concentration concen concen- camp The fact is and is-and and every Washington correspondent recognizes it the it-the the president re re- re- re gards all critics as enemies of the state Confidential r reports e p o 0 r t s from France and Norway confirm rumors that Hitler is preparing for a spring drive on a grand scale But our smartest strategists strategists strategists strate strate- think that he intends to push southward despite his con con- of strong defensive positions positions positions po po- on the North sea the channel and the French coast Der feuhrer has recently es established established established es- es closed zones along the French coast which extend from 20 to 50 kilometers inland He has set up the same sort of ofa ofa ofa a protective fringe in Norway Despite his need for food he has increased industrial wages in order to spur production of arms in conquered France Workers who earn only 75 francs a week on farms are flocking to the thet cities where they are paid double and triple that amount making guns planes and tanks Hitler has fortified the French and Norwegian sea borders with powerful guns taken from the Siegfried and Maginot lines From Narvik to southern France the continent has been made im im- pregnable These preparations in our experts' experts opinion do not presage a grand assault on Eng Eng- land They are ramparts designed designed designed de de- de- de signed to hold off invaders while Hitler moves on Turkey Iran and the Suez area Copyright 1942 McClure Syndicate |