Show Political Freedom for India Wins Wins' Favor avor of British Government LONDON Feb 24 UP The jp-The The British government declared itself in favor of Indias India's political political freedom Tuesday but then indicated it was the responsibility of Indian leaders to devise some ome scheme which would be satisfactory to all The statement of policy polley was made In the house of lords by Lord Cranborne colonial secretary and government leader In the upper house louse since the week end cabinet shakeup He announced that his majesty's government welcome the message of Chiang Kai shek to the Indian government We are glad that there should be e the closest understanding between between between be be- tween the Indian and Chinese people Chiang shek Kai urged India India In In- India dia to rally to the cause of liberty and so do we said Lord Cran Cran- borne He expressed himself In favor of Indias India's political freedom and so are we If the Indian leaders would get together and devise some scheme which would be satisfactory satisfactory satisfactory tory to all the Indian problem would be satisfactorily solved Itis It Itis Its is s hoped that this visit of Chiang shek Kai will help them to take such a step |