Show Salute to Some John Does W 0 AUR OUR UR heartiest congratulations to a lot of John Does of Utah We dont don't know their names so the personal congratulations can only be given in that form But these John Does are the anonymous workmen at the Columbia Steel company plant near Provo who broke all records for speed in relining a blast furnace which broke out January 16 They finished the job of relining the furnace furnace furnace fur fur- nace which is now in operation again in exactly exactly exactly ex ex- 31 days Previous record time on such sucha a job is believed to be about 50 days Several Several Several Sev Sev- eral years ago when a furnace was relined at atthe atthe atthe the Columbia plant plath it took tool 64 days Just what that speed means in terms of war production was revealed by plant The 33 days saved over the previous relining time of 64 days will make possible the production of tons of That will make enough steel for about 15 destroyers Think of it Because of the efficiency and extra effort of those Columbia Steel company company company com com- pany John Does the United States will be beable beable beable able t to produce 15 destroyers hundreds of tanks or thousands of guns it would not otherwise otherwise otherwise oth oth- have been able to produce because of a alack alack alack lack of steel That's the sort of spirit we need on the vital battle lines of American industry where in the final analysis this war is going to be bewon bewon bewon won or lost It makes make makes us proud that have done such an outstanding job John Does of Columbia Steel we salute you |