Show Shipyard Workers Building Destroyers Walk Out After 8 Hours in Protest to Hour 10 Shifts SAN PEDRO Cal Cat Feb 24 UP Spokesmen for the C CIO I 0 Shipyard Shipyard Shipyard Ship Ship- yard Workers of America local No 9 said Tuesday that two shifts of workers have quit work at the end of of eight hours of a hour 10 day at the Bethlehem Steel company yards where worth of navy destroyers are under con con- Contending that the em em- are en enough ugh for three eight- eight hour shifts the spokesmen said union members would continue to work but eight hours Tom Forrester Bethlehem general general general gen gen- eral manager declared the matter matter matter mat mat- ter will be straightened out soon but declined further comment Union spokesmen emphasized that the workers worker were not striking They said the men were refusing refusing refusing refus refus- ing to work a hour 10 schedule inaugurated two weeks ago by the company Spokesmen said they I I would return at their regular times 7 a. a m m. and 7 p. p m m. and work eight hours hours' C C. C S. S Sy Brown Sr union business agent and and Walter Brunnock secretary secretary secretary sec sec- said all had been handed pamphlets reading Eight hours is a days day's work under our agreement with Bethlehem Bethlehem Bethlehem Bethle Bethle- hem and the Unit United d Stat States s government gov gov- Starting February 23 all men go home at the end of eight hours by unanimous vote of local No 9 9 Any man who fails to comply with this order is subject to disciplinary action by local No 9 The union said Bethlehem substituted substituted substituted sub sub- two hour 10 shifts daily for three shifts on which the men worked eight hours daytime seven and a half hours night and seven hours on the overnight or swing period All were paid for eight hours with a 10 per cent bonus for or night and swing shift men Under the two hour 10 shifts schedule were paid I straight time for eight hours overtime overtime overtime over over- time for the extra two and a 10 per cent ent bonus |