Show I U U. S. S Reprieves Aged Infirm Aliens in O Ouster ster I SAN FRAN FRANCISCO ISCO Feb 24 UPA UPA UP A A minute last-minute order to permit aged and ridden bed-ridden enemy aliens to remain in prohibited zones was was iss issued ed Tuesday less than 18 hours hour before the midnight deadline set for forthe the of aliens from strategic zones Wallace H o w 1 I a and n d assistant alien aden coordinator for the far west announced that Lieutenant General General General Gen Gen- eral J. J L L. DeWitt w western stern defense commander had approved three exceptions to fo the evacuation order Heretofore there were no exemptions exemptions for any reason Those who will be permitted to remain are P Persons in hospitals or approved sanitariums aliens producing doctors doctors doc doe tors certificates showing it would endanger their lives to be moved and elderly persons who can produce produce produce pro pro- duce reasonable evidence they are more than 75 years old The order ca came e as a continual stream of enemy aliens mostly Italians packed into the U. U S. S attorneys attorney's attorneys attorney's attorneys attorney's at at- torney's office seeking permits to travel or permits to o work in restricted restricted restricted re re- re- re zones during the curfew hours of 9 p. p m m. m to 6 a. a m. m The curfew regulations covering nearly nearly nearly near near- ly a fourth of California go 0 into effect Tuesday night |