Show Produce Market 92 2 Ir score IrU BUTTER LOS BUTTER U LOS s. s ANGELES 5 38 35 91 1 score core g 90 0 score 34 37 I lh u 89 eo I score CHEESE SAN CHEESE E S SAN FR FRANCISCO i co Triplets N 24 24 EGG SALT EGG SALT LAKE K CITY CITY Large rge white specials dozen 31 Large rge white extras extra dozen 30 30 Large white b standards dozen 29 i Medium white I eta extras t i gg dozen 29 NEW YORK TORE YORK Feb 24 AP Butter Buter Butter Receipts pounds two days' days re receipts re re- easier euler creamery higher than tan 92 score and d e marks ic 92 score c cash market 34 Ni c 88 to l 91 i iscore score ore 32 85 to to o 87 score Icor Cheese ReceIpts Cheese Receipts pounds two days days' receipts Irs q quiet quint lih p prices unchanged state tl whole milk hk flats held 1940 1040 27 i fresh grass r 26 current current cur cur- cur curre r rent make 24 Eggs Receipts Eggs Receipts s. s cases two days days' re receipts easier Mixed colors tn Fancy to extra eXra fancy tancy 30 a Vt 30 ac i 4 c extras extra graded firsts current receipts mediums 27 ac 27 dirties No 1 27 c average checks 26 a Whites Jobbing sales of ot fancy tancy to extra tangy fancy 33 Vi 35 wholesale sales of fane fancy tancy to extra fancy tancy 31 near-by near anc and midwestern premium ire m marks 32 lh He nearby near near- by and midwestern exchange n specials be 30 Hie c near near-by and midwestern standards 29 c jobbing sales sale of ot exchange to fancy heavy y mediums 30 O 31 wholesale le yoTe oTe sales i of exchange ng to fancy W he heavy mediums me me- 29 near-by near and midwestern exchange mediums Browns Nearby Nearby Near Near- Near by and midwestern fancy to extra fane fancy tancy 30 31 Vic specials standards standard n g 29 20 c. c mediums Duck eggs Pacific coast coat whites Jumbo and 34 premiums I specials I 33 00 34 fl 4 c standards da 33 0 33 3 C mediums dl 30 Vt Dressed poultry poultry Steady Fresh Boxes fowls 3 36 to 42 pounds n 2144 4 48 f 01 to 54 pounds U 2 2454 1 60 g to 6 65 pounds 25 27 c chickens broilers friers trier roasters raters omitted old roosters rosters 19 22 c turkeys far western m young hens hen 27 33 c young t toms 25 f 5 northwestern young hens 26 young toms tom I 25 3 Frozen Boxes fowls fowl 36 to 42 pounds 21 48 t to 54 pounds 24 i 60 to 65 pounds 25 Vi e c chickens broilers 2134 e c friers trier 22 S roasters routers 23 c ol old roosters rooster 19 22 e turkeys far tar western west west- ern em er young hens 27 33 lh c. c young turns torn 26 northwestern young hens 26 2614 2612 Vi c. c young toms torn western wester young youn hens 27 young toms tonis 24 2414 Vi I southwestern young oung hens 26 r young turns toms 23 ducks Lon Long Island 20 3 c. c Live poultry poultry Steady Bv By freight Chickens Rocks colored fowls owls colored Leghorn old roosters turkeys u hens e young toms ducks g s By express p Chickens I e ol iJ southern broilers Rocks 25 crosses 22 some fancy tancy Leghorn Leghorn Leg Leg- horn Ole fowls colored 2444 I nearby nearby near near- near by Leghorn southern pullets Rocks large Rooks Rocks and crosses mixed 16 turkeys hens young toms ducks duck CHICAGO Feb 24 AP Buter AP Pe AP Butter Re Receipts weaker creamery 93 score 0 92 12 score scort 91 score core ic 90 score 89 score ac 88 58 score 32 He c 90 score centralized carlot car car- car lot lo lots Receipts Eggs Receipt Eggs cases cass weak fresh graded extra firsts local cars fIrsts local cars curren current receipts dirties 2 c checks 25 12 Vic c c. c Live poultry poultry Receipts 17 trucks steady to firm hens 5 pounds and down springs 4 pounds up Plymouth Rock c under 4 Jg pounds Plymouth V rou Rock 23 3 c cother other prices unchanged LOS ANGELES Feb 24 USDA AP-USDA Produce exchange receipts receipt Butter Buter pounds cheese pounds eggs 2682 cases case Butter Butter In In bulk Eggs Eggs Candled e Candled d Jk a large g candled medium me Inc candled small smal |