Show War Stimulates Boys o s to Become Scouts touts Official Declares Like the last war the present conflict has created a desire among youth to become Boy Scouts said Kenneth E. E Cook New NewYork NewYork NewYork York City assistant national director division of operations Boy Scouts of America who was in Salt Lake City Tuesday I touring councils in region No 12 I There is a a. patriotic fervor I I among youth and their desire to toi i I become Boy Scouts to help do something in the event of a a. crisis never was greater asserted the scout leader who held conferences with local scout leaders Tuesday including D D. D E. E Hammond scout executive of Salt Lake council and George Albert Smith member of the national scout executive committee We also have found that the war has created a definite problem In scout leadership he said Many of our scout leaders have gone into military service or into defense work We have been fortunate fortunate fortunate for for- however because citizens eager to do something at home have volunteered to help in this work Mr Cook is out in the west mainly to stimulate growth in scouting among the Catholic churches The Rev Edward F. F Dowling of the Cathedral of the Madeleine has been appointed scout chaplain of the Salt Lake diocese Mr Cook said He will attend a dinner meeting at the Newhouse hotel at p. p m m. and leave for Portland Ore Wednesday |