Show CLASSES GLASSES START ART FOR INSPECTORS Agric l fu faral rou Gf l Goes to School Annual conference and training school for Utah state department of agriculture inspectors opened Tuesday at the Newhouse hotel i iSalt in Salt Lake Lale City with safeguarding of fruits and vegetables against contamination being stressed b by instructors The four-day four conference featured featured featured fea fea- fea- fea talks by Tracy R. R Welling Don E E. Kennedy T. T Shaw state agricultural de p par a r t m men e n t commissioners L. L W. W Brewer federal federal federal fed fed- eral supervisor for the United Unite States department of agriculture and Earl Hutchings state supervising supervising supervising super super- inspector Inspectors are warned to be o othe on the alert at all times for possible sabotage of fruit t and vegetable supplies through adulteration an anfor and for possible contamination of domestic domestic do do- domestic water supplies Mr Hutchings Hutchings Hutch Hutch- ings said |