Show Churchill Bares i Sharp Rise I I In Ship Losses LONDON Feb 24 UP The UP-The The British were warned by Prime Minister Winston Churchill Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tues Tues- day that tormenting and protracted protracted protracted pro pro- ordeals lie ahead and that there has been a most serious increase in shipping losses in 1942 but that with unrelenting resolve they have the right to look forward forward forward for for- ward across many months to the reasonable prospect of complete victory He said more cabinet changes were ahead The increase in shipping losses in January and February when U-boats U have been hammering at vessels in American waters was emphasized by Churchill who disclosed disclosed disclosed dis dis- closed that every effort was made to bolster British defenses in the far east from the moment Japan attacked More than men and many antiaircraft and antitank guns that were needed elsewhere presumably presumably presumably pre pre- in Libya were rushed to Singapore in not fewer than nine convoys he said Churchill said that 1 He assumes assumes full responsibility ity for disasters in the far east believes that Sir Stafford Cripps will provide able leadership In the house of commons and promises I that further changes will be made among cabinet undersecretaries to meet criticisms I 2 Britain's antisubmarine flotilla flotilla flotilla flo flo- tilla is strained to the utmost to I keep food a and d war supply lines open and carry troops troops' in great I numbers to the fighting fronts 3 Japan has massed 26 divi divi- divisions divisions in support of her southwest Pacific offensive offensive offensive-a a force of between between between be- be be be- tween and men men men- and has obtained waning command command command com com- mand of the sea and command of the air ir in that region 4 Britain has obtained a much needed breathing spell due to the successes of the Russian army against Germany and as recently as October and November not only was fully extended but indeed overstretched |