Show Bonds Will Needle the Nipponese Nipponese- CHIEF CHIEP HONORS VETERAN OF OE U P Rail President Visits House to Give Award William M. M Jeffers Union Pa- Pa Railroad d comp company y pr president sid busy with the many problems of running a railroad in wartime paused long enough Tuesday to honor one of the men w who o really count in this business He was referring to Robert Bridge North Sixth West street a a- a veteran of nearly 52 years with the line who with another another another an an- other coworker were to be presented presented presented pre pre- year 50 service buttons at ata ata a meeting of ot Old Timers' Timers chapters chapters chap chap- Junior Old Timers' Timers chapters and the two auxiliaries at the Hotel Hotel Hotel Ho Ho- tel Utah Tuesday night The units and the auxiliaries coming from 13 states are representing representing representing through the delegates attending the members of the Union Pacific family Goes to Home When Mr Jeffers was informed Mr Bridge was confined to his home with a cold and would not be beable able to attend the meeting he said to stop me from going going go gP- ing to him and giving him his button button button but but- ton At the home of the veteran sheet metal worker Mr Jeffers said The president or a leader really doesn't count you men are the ones who really count Mr Bridge replied I was a supervisor supervisor supervisor su su- su- su for many years and learned something about handling men I want to tell you that you handle men just right R Receives c i es Button The veteran shop worker on re receiving receiving receiving re- re his button said Im going going going go go- ing to get back on the job as soon as possible because they need me country needs me nOw now more th than 1 ever ever b before e f re l Mr Jeffers also presented a 50 year button to Mr Mrs Bridge The women of these these- railroad men are responsible for the success of their men he said Walter Read Richmond a section section section sec sec- tion foreman who retired last October October october Oc oc- Oc- Oc tober will be given glen his veterans veteran's emblem at the meeting to be held in the Hotel Utah at 7 p. p m. m 7 Walter Wilson Omaha general g chairman of the Union Pacific Em Em- Boosters league who will attend the meeting said U. U P. P em em- have worth of defense bonds and stamps Chapters Meet The various chapters of the organization or organization organization or- or met during the day to map plans on how railroaders can help further the defense effort maintain high safety standards and complete group business of the units It is expected that James D. D Jeffs Ogden vice president of the Junior Old Timers' Timers chapter willbe will willbe willbe be elevated to the presidency succeeding succeeding succeeding suc suc- Ralph Floral Omaha retiring retiring retiring re re- re- re tiring president The office is one of succession Heading the women's meetings meetings' were Mrs J J. J C. C Larsen Omaha president Old Timers' Timers Ladles Ladles' auxiliary auxiliary aux aux- mary and nd Mrs Frank Budd North Platte Neb pres president dent Junior Old Timers' Timers Ladies' Ladies auxiliary aux aux- You Handle Men Just Right II III by I A I Y A BOTH KNOW INOW TILE THE VALUE OF OTHERS OTHER'S DUTIES William M. M left Robert Bridge who received emblem |