Show Cultivate Constantly to Save the Beans F From rom Weeds By N NEA E EA A SERVICE When the last bit of frost has thawed and the strong rays of the sun have thoroughly warmed the land its it's planting bean-planting time in the garden But if planted too early In a cold wet soil the bean seeds fail to germinate and rot in the ground So most experienced experienced experienced ex ex- gardeners wait for the local frost free date before planting the bean crop Kentucky Wonder pole beans have a place in nearly every home garden where soil and climate conditions favor their success These beans are especially especially especially espe espe- rich in vitamin A and in addition contain considerable J thiamin the pep vitamin of the B group ascorbic acid vitamin C and the minerals calcium and iron Early in the season the tender beans are eaten pod and all Later as the pods become woody the beans can be eaten shelled and ana late in the growing season dry beans can be harvested harvested harvested har har- vested and easily stored for use all through the winter Limas Need Warm Soil Lima beans have a place in inthe inthe inthe the h home me garden too but they require a still warmer wanner soil so planting can well be delayed for forat forat forat at least a week after planting the snap beans Lima beans are extra rich in thiamin and iron and are a good source of ribo- ribo flavin Carolina or Sieva are the generally recommended varieties varieties varieties va va- va- va of pole lima beans for formost formost formost most sections of the country After the soil has been worked up thoroughly and is friable mellow and free of lumps poles can be set about 2 feet ap apart rt both ways Six shallow holes are made in a circle about four inches from the pole and a seed dropped into each hole Cultivation Is Important Constant cultivation is important important important im im- im- im to keep weeds from winning winning winning win win- ning out in competition with the beans but weeds close to the bean plants should be pulled by hand rather than by hoeing to prevent injury to the beans It is especially important not to work or pick beans when their leaves are wet with dew or rain as bean rust disease is easily spread under these conditions |