Show From Montana comes this en V. V of Marlin Marlia 4 You too can I money with smooth smooth- shaving moneysaving money money- saving Marlia Blades 1 B D sect EDGE E II 5 C BLADES Sing Single I. I Edge Elg 14 f for 1 AP APPlE p ES DE OEl C OUS Wa W sh V 0 R f U L. L A f FLA l CRISP ju JUICY IC fg 6 or OC c al ways t plenty Have tangy their Uk e Y d e flavor their crisp like na-like w sire M t up cu chicken e fresh fro fen 13 p k 9 19 5 Birds e Y cook Toady to S SLICED Lie E D 0 OXFORD x FOR D HAM HAMIt's Its It's gra grand d for cold snacks quick lunch II eons or to use se in in the children childrens s sand I b h 3 5 C Has a a really s satisfying in 9 flavor Brooklawn Mild Cheese lb b. b 30 e C CHOCOLATE H O C O. O LA TE E ECLAIRS C L A IRS A luscious treat that will please everyone everyone You You'll II enjoy enoy the smooth custard cust custard fd filling 5 C c. c e ea y the rich chocolate fo topping e Wheat Vita Bea Bead C rich rich in in vitamin b bl I l' l 13 e c FANCY SIR SIRLOIN L 0 INS STEAKS TEA K S Fer For the 6 best est dinner ever over serve a thick chick sizzling scaling ng sirloin steak steaB Its It's wonderfully I b 3 9 C juicy delightfully tender fender Try it it Shoulder Lamb Chops lb Ib HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP Its s lively ivey racy flavor avor gives ives ae added zest lest f ft t M rand r and end flavor to every meal Have it 2 f TO 0 or I r 43 JL f fen c en on the table always 14 bottles V l Wl w P i i e a NOW SHE SHOPS CASH AND CARRY Without Painful Backache Many sufferers relieve naU nagging backache quickly once they d discover that the real ml cau cause e o oi of their trouble may ma mar be tired tind kidneys kidney The kidneys axe are Iv Natures Nature I a chief way of taking taking tak tak- ing the excess acid and waste out of the blood They help most moat people pass about 3 pints pint a day When disorder of kidney function nbC permit poisonous po matter to remain m in your blood it may cause nagging backache rheumatic pause pains paine leg pains pain lore lofs of pep and energy getting tip up nights l swelling n e sen under f the eyes ejes yr headaches ches and dizziness Frequent or scanty passages with smarting and burning sometimes sometimes someI some some- I times ho shows show there is something wrong rone with I your kidneys or bladder Dont Don't t wart wait Ask your et for Deans Dean's I Pills wed ully by millions million for over 40 yrs years They five eve ve happy relief and will hl help the thin 15 13 miles cf of kidney tubes flush fluh out po son eon I ous OUI waste te from your blood Get Doan s I rills Pula f r ir rr r fi Y i. i i y i f V fare fo yo Dr far r for Country W Ul I r l jit p BD WHo I YOU 8 r-Ai r CAN t er ert p PLA fl DRI NS is R REMEMBER MF D Do MB YOUR A ME TO WI WIN N YES r THE M AR MOT I TOR 0 CIS 1ST r AND ND RIC R r THE E As NEED NE As You YO v RUBBER AN ND D I Mp oRT AN CNA'S C CE D F FOr 0 R r ANKS U UME W A r I t CA R AND A Nn ME METAL r O pR OF C oN sF AND GEi CF T TIRES RES A ARE E PROVIDE OV DF TNT THE NG THE r E 1 COND co ND Mo rioN RE RNE MIL MILES s By 1 KEEP Arc oN AL Ass ASSETS ETs r G OU OUA oDA A Y y YOUR ou R IN ING G UA R D t C A ARF J 5 T By M MAKING vi Ju Is 11 M. M THE THEM ft i M A A i k i TR TI fi t tW M. M W i Cr ED D j r iF i v IN N f FOR oR V Yoh SURE RE T FI FIRST o oDE THEy CLASS SAS YOUR R T EX EXA ARE q RF p pT s Aco co DE RO ROI DEALER ALA LY Rw I W ILL H HEL HELu HELI LP f ct v I u f t 4 1 r J i c i t t 1 I ter I 11 h f a ll j P J n h TAKE IT EASY MISTER I I r ITS IT'S SPEED THAT GRINDS AWAY TIRES AND ANDs s WEARS OUT CARS KEEP BELOW 40 i AVOID SUDDEN STOPS AND STARTS AND FAST SQUEALING TURNS THAT ROB YOU OF TIRE MILES f t A s z 1 J j 0 I f j j 1 1 I 1 f HIS LUBRICATING I GUN GUN FIGHTS WEAR a REGULAR LUBRICATION TIRE TIRE SAVER SAVER AT WORK KEEPS YOUR CAR FIT FT I YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD i H HE STRETCHES TIRE LIFE BY HE TEXACO DEALER STOPS I i I KEEPING THE PRESSURE RIGHT TROUBLE BEFORE IT STARTS AND BY ROTATING YOUR TIRES BY CHECKING LUBRICATING AND SERVICING TO EQUALIZE WEAR VITAL POINTS USE HIS SERVICES REGULARLY DONT DON'T WASTE RUBBER WITH M I SOFT TIRES lAVE HAVE YOUR TEXACO DEALER CHECK THEM f AB FREQUENTLY I TEMCO CARE FOR YOUR CA FR YOUR COUNTRY COUNTRY j jf I f J k t 3 A. A for Your Enjoyment t 2 2 Great radio Cadlo Programs T THIe HIe TEXAS C NY OM P Ji On FRED the A ALLEN air L p OPERA METROPOLITAN Complete y J this Wed I broadcasts of S the r 11 Nation M tJ n I a 48 States S Ii night Start Stirling SUN DAY March Marc I Saturday great afternoon operas oper every r I CI I rOh 11 ll See Your local for times limes and stations station t Ii Yh v b |