Show Rescuers Save Three Miners Trapped in Mercur Tunnel Special to The The Telegram Telegram MER MERCUR CUR Tooele county Feb 24 Blinking 24 Blinking in the sunlight and feeling fine save for fatigue and hunger three miners were rescued Tuesday after 49 hours entrapment in workings of the Mercur Deep Mines company two miles south of here Rescue crews using hand equIpment equipment equipment equip equIp- ment brol broke e through a wall of rock and dirt at 11 1130 30 a. a m. m and reached the men who were caught behind a slide at 1030 a. a m. m Sunday The three are arc Mark Marl Jorgensen 21 and his brother Max Jorgensen Jorgen Jorgen- sen 19 o of Ophir and William p Pe Peterson terson 33 of Pleasant Grove I Wrapped in blankets ets they sat at their boarding house and told a astory astory astory story of just waiting in the darkness darkness darkness dark dark- ness of the mine The men apparently suffered no ill effects bu but were placed immediately immediately imme imme- under observation by clans The men were reached after ler Continued on nil Pane Pace Five Column lout four Rescuers Save Utah Miners Continued from Page Paje One three shifts of 20 workers each had fought the landslide Rescue work began shortly after the slide out was interrupted by subsequent of dirt over the tunnel tunnel tunnel tun tun- nel entrance Mr Peterson told most of the story with the Jorgensen brothers concurring We just slept then dug some walked around and slept some more Mr Peterson said We weren't worried We knew we would get out that it was just a question of time The air inside was all right Were We're hungry and tired but that's all We got awfully hungry Sunday Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- day but after that we didn't notice notice notice no no- tice it quite so much The three men said they were in no danger at any time Rescuers said they could hear the voices of the trapped men during during during dur dur- ing the last stages of the digging A brother of one of the trapped miners Clyde Peterson narrowly escaped being trapped with his brother He had gone outside the tunnel just a few minutes before the slide and was wase on his way back to join his fellow workers when the slide st started ted He gave the the alarm that started rescuers on the job |