Show FREIGHT KILLS BRIDGE SENTRY DEVILS DEVIL'S SLIDE Morgan County Coun Coun- ty ty-A ty A sentry guarding the Union Pacific railroad bridge and underpass underpass underpass under under- pass at Devils Devil's Slide Private Erwin Erwin Erwin Er- Er win Knickerbocker was killed Monday afternoon when he was struck by a westbound freight train Witnesses Private George Jackson Jackson Jackson Jack Jack- son and Clifton Orr of Devils Devil's Slide a civilian said Private Knickerbocker was walking along the bridge as the train approached and apparently did not hear it The train whistled when it was about 75 yards from him they said Private Jackson said he also shouted to him but he did not hear The victim about 24 was attached attached attached at at- to an infantry company and had been stationed at the Morgan Morgan Morgan Mor Mor- gan camp since December 28 His home address was registered as Tucson Ariz |