Show I 17 Apartments FURNISHED Continued COLONIAL J fro In Page i Beautifully furn sS-l. sS apt tile tUe bath It t lit Kt Ht Its gas furn turn Only 40 1530 ra so go Main 6 I r apts Heat lights an aness and M ess for cooking Ok Adults Adulte The Lewis Lewi Lewiss s 1 Motor ga nr olor L Lodge Lodle dge So o State I WAfTED business girt girl to share lovely lovel I Ia a apt apt Call after S. S 5 Ig Housekeeping ROOMS Large rm Everything hl furn C space W. W V. V 3rd North I ROOM ONE ROOM ui-f-ROOM APARTMENTS APARTMENTS NORTH 2ND WESTi WEST i Y v room lor 1 O or 2 boys s 1 blk 1 from U LIS LI'S 1332 3 i E. E t So J 3 5 5 room C sleeping tr porch furnace ace heat heal heat nr i University st st. 3 i ne large rm gas lights lIS s So State at I I Kroom with sleeping porch Lights g gas 5 heat Adults East I It i TWO SO TWO rooms kit beat Its gas t hot Sot water phone 1 1st ave 1 With BOARD I VACANCY VACANCY for 1 or 2 Board options option 1 I 1087 1st let ave aye 4 LARGE rm for 2 twIn beds excellent meals So E. E 3 il tIn 1 or 2 de B furnishings s tile bails gar o out of smoke Edgehill So l th E. E 3 board Doard and room East Eu South Temple 5 DESIRABLE Meals optional Reas Pit sp P. P East 2nd So t W a and 2 gentlemen tle only Excel ct meals aI Close e egr gr in 69 enDon D st et 1 4 rEo Lo E in single and double U ruse good Loed beds ed 3 meals s plenty en food 36 H st St. HOME OME Make this beautiful home bOme oUr house home Young n b business man Twin wIn I C beds E. E So 0 Temple board clean r room Private home Walking distance 4 WELL WEL recommended ID meals Cheerful e b home homi g alJ comforts single or double u 7 East So Temple meals Newly dec home bome 1053 3rd ave LARGE rm suit for 2 or 3 rm and bd So West Temple T 3 OR 4 working men good home cooked meals served family style close in pk sp op South West Vest Temple roO r or board and room for 1 or 2 l. 1798 So State For the discriminating Double rm twin beds b. E. E 1st So 4 2 FURNISHED 20 ROOMS W new beautifully furnished NEW AMERICA MERICA MOTOR LODGE rooms Center business district Telephones radios complete comfort Rates States by week eek or month Excellent new coffee shop Car at your door So Main LARGE R E well 11 furnished s front room 1 3 or 2 Egl gl girls home privileges i. i 20 single lilg 25 double Close In 3 AVE 2 cheerful adjoining dj b bath last t tenants eff I stayed d 4 years f. f E st st. 5 ATTRACTIVE rm rIo In private home me meals ls if desired 2nd ave 3 furn Ideal for 2 Pk sp ap meals opt McClelland 3 1 Ig east rm plenty heat hot wt Inner loner spring mattress 1542 Harvard LARGE rID rm with entrance Close Clone to town 15 mo too Center st. st ATTRACTIVE FRONT RM HM GOOD LOCA LOCA- TIO TION GARAGE S l decorated welt well turn furn room E. E bench 1733 Harvard avo av Gar 3 LARGE light single rm 2 blocks from town 1st ave 4 t 21 ROOMS 21 ROOMS IN HOTELS REID HOTEL Another Milner hotel botel Coast to coast 4 WEEKLY Guest laundry free Pr 1 Day 00 DaY 0 Day Ne SO 50 bI WEST j TEMPLE 4 6 PEERY PEER HOTEL SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES West Went 3rd So St St. MILNER HOTEL 1 DAY DAT 33 W. W 2nd So DIAL 3 OAKLAND OAKLAND 4 4 wk up Monthly rates Newly furn Corn 56 West 3rd So PLANDOME PLANDOME South at State Single Day 1 81 week 7 5 lot 2800 So Redwood road sloG In lou l. l 2121 Major st st. after 5 T pm p.m. m. m FURNISHED 22 22 HOUSES 65 65 5 5 R SIMS rs 2 upstairs one oneto In to Full gas turn gum auto Sot hot water Lovely furnishings Available Available Avail Avail- able March 1st Dial 6 ROOM 4 mod home Oar Gar 1804 Park street 4 10 Sum furn home Dooley ct ci afternoons 5 3 20 RIdS mod partly turn furn Princeton ave NEWLY cottage Will accept 2 bra work rk a day as part rent 3 3 20 furnIshed duplex East SO 15 2 furnished house bouse Rear So East 3 5 65 5 ROOMS stoker heat garage 1533 Emerson ave Ref required Shown Wednesday HOUSES 27 FOR RENT UNFURNISHED RENT A TRUCK BY HOUR WEEK OR MONTH Ur Self System Incorporated South Main Phone 4 REDMAN Local ana ann long distance ing tug Modern vans and alert expert movers Dial 5 1727 for free estimate FEDERAL HEIGHTS 8 HOUSE SOO pp MO lot Inq Whitehall hotel No 5 EADLEY HADLEY TRANSFER STORAGE CO City and state out-of-state moving 4 04 MOVE YOURSELF Rent a truck Low rates Dial 3 I DRIVE WE IT YOURSELF CO 35 W. W S S. BADGER BADGE REALTY COe CO I We e have hue several leveral good buys In new and older homes homel east side locations 16 West 2nd South Realtor 3 6 33 6 EMS floor furnaces Lake at Inquire 4 r 21 21 Hawthorne Three tens Sunny newly Dewly dec dec coal heat 6 6 i HOMES 28 FOR SALE f CITY AND SUBURBAN f FOR SALE BY OWN OWNER ER Three 1 Brand rand new firebrick colonials P H A. A terms 2 of these homes homell are ready to occupy Phone now Get your choice while they last Dial 7 Chapman new BRAND new BRAND 4 modern Monthly Month Month- ly Iy Payment approximately 2650 In- In eluding taxes and Insurance f AMERICAN HOUSING CORPORATION PO N aTt madway E. E Broad Broadway Realtor Dial 3 MUST SEE W 4 large rooms dinette faces e east I with full Automatic heat and hot water gar gas Large corner steel wina win win- dows Near a schools Only 10 per cent hg Sm M. M lr ri down and 28 per month Call 3 3 or 7 or 4 OWNER NER needs s larger home will sell his oro year old a I Ib b brick colonial In good 0 East Bench section for only There I It Is a large living room lovely view 2 spacious bedrooms extra bedroom In ft basement basemen heated garage Call Alder 7 1481 or Alder Wallace Inc nc 3 2150 DUPLEX In good condition Two room 3 units nice deep lots This value wont won't last long Morgan Jensen-Morgan t I Co 27 East No Temple 4 CASH Balance reas terms 12 brie 2 baths hS 5 kitchenettes Furn Furls I md Rents n about b Url r Oslo mo T REALTY CO 3 4 i OPEN FOR INSPECTION 5 rine ALL air I DAY conditioned furnace i and Sod stoker toker attached garage Wide lot I 1597 Parkway i ROOM 4 house to be moved cash I 5 2456 So State 2 NEW room 5 mod homes Strictly Easy 1 l terms 1717 Wilson ave 6 6 hIt S brick modernized furnace hardWood hard hard- Wood floors double garage 4 I R M modern d brick 1800 down bJ i W cr OWNER ET-OWNER 7 home auto gsa gas water neater eater Douglas Doulas st. st 4 BRAND N NEW FIVE FIVE NEW 4 AND t 5 room coL These homes are almost finished Buy SOW now and n select your own paper etc Priced e 4 to og k Some ris as f low lowY Y as al down Call 4 SMALL MALL stucco house large lot Jot Navajo j st st. 6 4 W New room 5 brick k Extra rm Tm hid and ad gar in b mt 3rd ave ve 5 I 28 HOMES 28 HOMES FOR SALE CITY AND SUBURBAN MILLER AND VIELE GOOD BUYS 2500 Roberta 2500 Roberta street and South Nice room 4 frame on good lot and garage Cemented basement also down new new Brand home on big lot and garage to match at South and East Full wall straight base ment and stoker toker Oak floors through out nicely decorated down new Brand new Brand room 0 colonial with garage and big lot 0 Includes fireplace fn ti and dining 1 room full Il basement Being fi finished e and could make a changes an and select y colors ro to your taste t Located Located Ju just t off South and bus bUI line down B 6 8 rooms with charm and comfort at Harvard and East Maids Maid's room and bath in basement 3 other nice bedrooms oak floors throughout I double nice fenced lot full of choice flowers and shrubs shrub planted MILLER and VIELE Realtor 16 Exchange Place Call Cannon 7 1927 Bitner 3 ATTENTION defense p pi plant 1 a 11 n t employee I We have a few brand new low cost homes bomes nearing completion Four rooms dinette and attached garage oak oale floors gas beat and hot water heater Priced at and up Buy them on en the new F H A title II six plan BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY ROME nOME Near South and Highland drive drive One One One- fare bus bUI line Five large rooms and alcove full basement furnace and r tog ing stoker on l lot Unusual n irI shrubbery feet Price and d g plant Dont Don't miss it J CAPITOL HILL COLONIAL VIew COLONIAL View as far as the eye can see aeo Brand new attractively attractively at at- decorated full basement and aud gas Jas furnace Cement garage In ground with deck on top on OU terms Real Estate Department First Security Trust Co Main at Exchange Dial 5 SIX room bungalow home at t 1441 Michi Michl- gao gan Spacious cheery r rooms om nearl nearly ra new r roof car 2 garage hardwood r floors ThIs is Is' Is isa a a really substantial family home borne Owner Is anxious to sell lell Immediate immediate- ly Make an offer I. I 1450 room five-room brick and frame cottage west of the river The home has bas two nice bedrooms and purchaser will find t It Df most moot s sc c conveniently n arranged The lot t is 50 o feet in width and md approximately I feet deep E. E B B. B WICKS CO SALT LAKES LAKE'S OLDEST REALTOR 77 7 SOUTH STATE 3 COMPLETELY furnished room 6 brick colonIal colonial co co- co- co lonial in los very desirable neighborhood Move right In Owner has bas left all furnishings which are 1 1 years old which Include lovely living room set for room Kitchen Kitchell Includes al almost almost Li al- most new range refrigerator dishwasher dish washer breakfast set Also furnished room in basement Lovely Lovey landscaped yard double garage Price UNION UN ION TRUST COMPANY 3 REALTOR Main at Broadway A A SPLENDID Investment right In Inthe Inthe inthe the heart of Sugarhouse room 5 brick duplex barrel ceiling tile drains oodles of cabinets full basements 2 furnaces owner may leave 2 ranges ranes In the rear Is II a good room 3 frame home bome Lot 2 garages Income In come per month C. C ED LEWIS CO Realtor 17 East Broadway Phone 3 SMALL DOWN PAYMENT BALANCE LIKE RENT MOVE IN AT ONCE room 5 brick home bome with 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch Coal furnace Located in S S. S E E. with good surround surround- ings logs This Is your chance to to tOmake make a real buy FEDERAL HOMES Inc 63 South State 5 or 5 Realtor Contractor List Lilt your our property with us for results CLASSY LASSY BRICK COLONIAL Almost COLONIAL Almost new and In fine new home bome district east of Uintah school on bench 5 mis and extra bedroom In basement gas furnace furnace furnace fur fur- nace with Venetian shades garage Only terms RICK BRICK COLONIAL Southeast COLONIAL Southeast paved st st. Oak floors enamel finish 5 and breakfast t nook furnace fine base base- ment Only terms 3RD RD EAST NEAR SO Firebrick 5 en enamel mel finish oak floors floora tile tilt bath and nd drain drain- furnace fur nace garage Only easy terms A AVENUES Nice AVENUES Nice 4 mod home facing l south on ave Only 2100 2100 terms GADDIS INVESTMENT COMPANY 37 So Main St St. 4 LARGE ROOM 5 BRICK RAMBLER ON UPPER HERBERT cemented cemented ce ce- basement automatic heat beat and hot bot water blower Just being fin fin- lobed 8 II A terms Dial 6 or 3 NEW BEDROOM 4 FIREBRICK HOME Large living and dining rooms room 2 complete baths Latest In heating equipment car 2 garage Upper east S bench new home district Dial 5 1642 or 6 DUPLEX 5 5 rooms each Ea East t side Monthly Month Month- ly Iy income 50 On Only Iv Terms Dial 3 or 4 S COOK REALTY REALlY CO 11 1 East 1st South DIAL 4 DEFENSE WORKER SPECIAL OW OWNER ER HAS ENLISTED Only ENLISTED Only for this year one colonial near West Went and South Oak floors full cemented basement and gas heat beat Lot fe feet t. t Close to your work and convenient to schools i library stor stores and theater F H A terms with down and 25 per month R Real aI Estate Department Security Trust Co Main at Exchange Dial 5 5 BADGER REALTY CO Let u us UI show how you y-ou what we con con- elder sider to be Salt Lakes Lake's best new home boone buys 6 5 rooms Priced to SO BO REALTOR 3 Ideal 6 English EngIsh Cottage In a choice Gilmer Park 3 lovely living Irving ins im 15 dining rm ron new linoleum tile bath drain newly decorated choice corner lot beautifully beautiful beautiful- ly Jy value ale aled landscaped d For sprinkling details ll t system dial 3 Real BY Y OWNER OWNER room 4 frame 2950 Venetian Venetian Vene Vene- tian blinds ln tl tile bath a and drain gas fur r 30 East lt Stratford t d da ave e. e 2555 S. S Main 6 M. M HOME HOME 14 1 A ACRES E 4 finished Tons In coal furnace II ace 50 fruit trees berries alfalfa coops cow barn Nr 2 bus lines 6 INCOME 29 9 INCOME PROPERTY APTS e This SPECIAL SPECIAL This unit 5 apartment t wont won't last because It I Is a great buy W r 8 Price e 2500 0 down on Has monthly month month- o Iy ly Income of Union Trust Co I Phone 3 IF F YOU have bave to to in invest In In- vest we have a real buy on Income property 3 29 INCOME 29 INCOME PROPERTY APTS t. t vt 3 APT UNIT S 2 4 rm rm and 1 2 Will consider selling l some tome furniture also 1157 East So 5 S DUPLEX 3 Tons each lach side INCOME AND LIVING QUARTERS East So Inq 5 Property pe for tor S SsIe lo or Tr Trade do Sell ell or Swa Swap Your Farm FarmS Home Store Land Livestock I S FARM LAND EXCHANGE WEEK I Swap fo for a More Suit Suitable Ie Place Piece IN YOUR FARM AD i 1 I. Mf Mention number of acres agres 2 Number and J kind f do of f f Improvements 3 3 Location state nature of soil coil 4 Price and reason for sale S I 5 6 Nearness Equipment nio to aro and town machinery I Lout and Jn schools school 7 On Ou or near paved roads 8 Terms or trade for what CLASSIFIED AD RATES 5 Sc per word for Sunday lOc per word 3 days IDe 2011 per word 7 days MAIL YOUR TOUR AD TO AD-TO TO START NEXT SUNDAY Make rr check er money y order de payable I to Oa Tribune and Telegram le a and mail anaYO your ad ig tOday to tc Main st at Salt Lake CIty Utah NEW home also 41 Chev for S. S L. L Ogden property 6 6 E. E 27 So 34 Real 34 Real Estate WANTED I Went Want to Buy 6 House east of tl Ea East Must be a good value Not over r cash h eD Dial af 3 WANT to t buy a 4 or 5 new or nearly new home borne S. S E. E location Will Wilt pay cash up to 5 36 FARMS 36 FARMS and ACREAGE FEDERAL LAND BANK Frame dwelling poultry house milk shed elec dec and city water on property with 30 a a. a irr land and i 33 a. a dry pasture Located 2 2 Mi mL mt I SE of Spanish Fork on highway hway 50 Price 2500 Write Federal Land Landt t bank I Beneficial e fl Life Salt alt Lake City or 47 So ll let 1st E. E Provo vo 1 ACRE 70 ACRE 70 FARM FARMon on paved street treet less than 10 miles es from Salt Lake City ft room Five ro firebrick I colonial OI home bome with furnace car 2 garage le barn chicken coops granary milk- milk house bouse team cow chickens and farm machinery go 10 with place Good water right rl Less than blk bik to school chool and church Mr Weight 7 WOOD WOODBURY BURY CORPORATION 18 E. E So Temple Realtor Realor 4 A REAL INVESTMENT Close to new steel site and purposed generating plant all sll al or part of acres choice irrigated farm land acres alfalfa alfalfa 3 brick houses outbuildings outbuildings out out- buildings farm machinery coop for acres grazing a land adjoinS adjoin adjoin- oln S tO ing 20 miles south u of nial Salt Lake McCONAUGHY REAL ESTATE INV CO Call Mr Oslen SI 3 S Sunday 2 IK Kearns jn 4 1811 43 ACRES irr beet land 65 acres cres In dry land alfalfa and 25 of ef pasture 64 sub sub- BUb irr meadow and alfalfa artesian Located Clifton Clfton Idaho Price Soil Sol black loam Cause of selling moved out of state Beet and bay hay Implements Implements Im Im- im- im 31 tons tone of hay hay Vt ml mi to tore grade and high schools Ch Paved high high- I way re as' as Substantial s i I t. t Pvc l ave 3 E E. E Vernon Howell CHICKEN ranch ranch oops ranch Coops Coops for 2500 hens bens 11 acres Garden orchard water right 6 mod mo home stoker Landscaped 1079 E. E So 6 ONE acre So Main Mairi One share ditch water Owner So State POULTRY AND DAIRY FARM 7 acres room 8 rom 8 house coops FAR for layers 2 barns milking barn and bottling plant East Eat 1876 E. E SO 15 acres Improved A l Alwater water deep soil 81 6 home Also acre 36 dairy farm 15 acres pasture room 5 home culinary water deep soil Improved RH 5 5 RM 5 col nr Sr So Hi 1 acre land 6 6 br hr 2 a. a coops 2000 Draper Owner leaving Make e offer on terms HILLMAN REALTY L CO i 4 l |