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Show LOGAN JUNK SHOP Bring all sciap iron, metal, bottles, rags and rubbers, or call us up and we will come. I nd phone.').:. Hell phone 102?. I South Main St. ReOpened Farmers E'eed Stable at Oarll's Mill South Main Street, teams feed at f reasonable price, also good horses bought and sold here. N. A. Williamson, Mgr. A Big Sale. Preston, Idaho, April 1H, 100(1 Wo will sell the machinery pait qf our business, consisting of the following named m.ichliH-s 1 Ames engine and boiler 1" II. 1 . I sweepstakes planei and lUtmcs, 1 Fay mouldei, 1 rip-saw with grovciug and dado attachments, 1 Kgan woodwotkei, with boring attachment, at-tachment, 1 Frank & Co. scroll saw, 1 sand paper machine, 1 Hall & Brown band saw. 1 Frank & Co. two spindle shaper, 1 Frank Si Co. tcnoner, 1 large grind-stone, 1 turning lathe, and one foot powei moitiscr, all fitted with necessary belts and tools, bits, etc. for the sum of $:!000. This Is a snap to the light parties as tlieie Is no competition com-petition closet than Logan on the south anJ Pocatello on the north. Reasons for selling Is that our Mr. Skldmore has Just left for a mission and our Mr. Monson Is unable to attend at-tend to the work. This plant run 244 days In 1!0." with a force of o men and buyers cap get the contract for all the mill work from the two lumber yards in this city, which will keep them going the whole year. Address all Inquires to W. 1'. Monson, Mon-son, Preston, Idaho. t 1 " ilBTlb H0TEL EAGLE PHI HIl rooms 50c' 75 and $i,o 'lSSinBfe "l-l'N RESTAURANT ln Connection. '11 bjIIH iHPil t4u 2X "v l ti "PMain St., Logan.Utah, I ED. POHL IS THE TAILOR FIRST NORTH STREET, LOGAN I You should see him when you want a good Suit well-made, or an old I one made new by Repairing and cleaning. Satisfaction Guaranteed. I Stttdebaker Brothers ' HaiDhehnrsof IHHP Retail Dealers in BUGGIES, FARM WAGONS AND SPRING WAGONS I Made by the Best Vehicle Experts to be Found in the World. Our Harness trade reached such proportions that we were compelled to make our Sifo I own. Genuine hand sewed harness -.ould not be procured, as some firms, that for- I I merly turned out hand-sewed goods now use stitchers. WE GUARANTEE OUR I I HARNESS to be honestly hand sewed--no machiue work about it. I Points to Keep in Mind I When jou 0g M Underwear think of US. M Don't buy your Muslin M M k Underwear until you Soc " 1 1 We have the biggest T" 1 and Best line of HOS- rJ' J 1 I KR Yin "the St H In Ribbons and Ladies' f W jl Neckwear wo always M mmf !H make the best showing M k ll Logan Knitting Factory I 500 Pairs of Gloves I at 25c and 50c a Pair H which Is less than cost of material These gloves are slightly Imper- H feet, being made by our operators while learning. They are good bar- H gains for the money. jH If you want the Best S buy our all calf or horsehldo gloves at l 2,i and $l.r.O. These goods H arc not excelled by any gloves on the market. We guarantee these to H give jou perfect satisfaction. Wo stand hack of our gloves. H For sale at factory In old Con. I building, opposite I'.agle hotel, H and at Tannery, South Main street, over the river. H Logan Glove & Tanning Company I I The FIRST NATIONAL BANK I OF LOGAN, UTAH. Capital .... $50,000.00 'H Sultl'LUtt AND UNUIV1DKII PltOKlTH (25,000.00 11 Do your banking business at the First National, the only National iH Bank In Cache rounty. Under supervision of the United States ,H Government. Safety for deposits. H Prompt, progressive and up to date. Wn want your business. H We pay Tour percent Interest on time deposits. Interest compounded rH quarterly jjH W S. McCohnick, Picsldent. Allan M. Fi.kmino, Cashier. ' .Iakks Quaylk, Vice President II. E. Chockktt Ass't. Cashier. j'H LIST OF DIRECTORS. , M W, S. McCoitNlCK. .IAWK8 QUAYI.K .'.ISKl'll F. SMITH H John II. Andkuson Tiios. Smaiit Soukn Hanskn. H 0. C. Goodwin 0. W. Niiilky. Allan.M. Flkmino iH ANOTHER ' ! Excursion ! ! I To ALBERTA, CANADA I MAY 8th, 1906, CHEAP RATES 3H and fares refunded jjH to purchases of our fH il E. L. Sayre, S, L. City I Louis S. Cardon, Logan I Cement Brick & Cement Bldg. Blocks I JOSEPH E. WILSON JR. I (iENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTOR All kinds of Cement work lH In large or small Jobs done anywhere and everywhere on shoit notice. H Cement sills, sidewalks, water tables, sewer pipe, foundations, etc. H Bell 'Phone 2I6 Z; Office and Yards I28 S, First East. I - 2 ' We've Got it How an Entire 2 9 ; New Line of Wallpaper : I (0 All latest patterns. Everything new. If 9 1H 9 you buy before examining our lines you 9 H will surely regrer it. We sell no inferior H I goods K en in our 10 cent papers. a H YOUR PAPER WILL STICK FOREVER if put on with our prepared paste. Onepound makes H a bucket full. Only 15c. I J We also have a Large Stock of Window f vShades. Beautiful colors. Handsome cloth II ? shades for 40c up. Room moulding. a H WILKINSON & SON., Remember the name. Remember the place. jl FIRST NORTH STREET. J I |