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Show A" GOOD NIGHT'S REST H ! H "Speak for ll t" he cried to tlognle, H I'nr nhc knew in her tittle In-art, H That (lerm.-in Hyru, home h urcat treasure. H CouM health aiM joy lmp.ir H The greatest titi!c on ciirth it n gxl H l night's rest. Restless liif-lit and tlic U-r- H rlblc cxli.mstiou of it hacking cough tire H drend dangers of (lie )xor consumptive. M Hut why this fenr of tlie night "I"'" H ' few doses of Dr. Hoschcc'.s Gorman Syrup H will insure refreshing sleep, entirely free from cough or night sural? l'ree ex- H pectoratiou in the morning is made cer- H J tain by taking German Syrup. Wc know liy tlic experience of over H I thtrtj'-five years that one 75-ccnt bottle, of I German Syrup will speedily relieve or cure the worst roughs, colils, bronchial or lung troubles and that, even in bad fl tnscs of consumption, one la rye IkH'.'.c of H German Syrup will work wonders. 11 H .Two 6i7.es, 25c and 75c. All druggists. B City I)ru Store, Logan. Utah. H LEGAL NOTICES h H r PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICE. H Comult County Clerk or the Respective Slga- H ert for further Information. Hj In the District Court, Probata Division In and H (or Cache Court r. State of Utah. W Norici:rt)oiti:i)iTii:. j INtateof Murrlici'r V. Murrlll. ili-o-aw il. j Creditors will prt'stMil t'lulmt with vuui'liers 1 to tho umlt'rslifiii'il at hlsreslUi'iii'eat Itli'li- J mond CaeliH County, Utah, on or Ixifore tint ' loth ilay of IVI.ruary. A. IM'uf. 1 imtnof lint publication. Aurll Tth HUM H T, II. Merrill, uilmlulstralor of thu t'slntoof H Mnrrlncr V. Merrill, ileeeasisl H Hart A: NeU'ker, iittorniys for said estate, M NOTICK TO I'llKIMroil". H KstBtnot A1111.1U. llccllii. ilis-i-asi-d H Creditors will iircsi'iit cfalnis wllll voiiclicrs H to tlin iliiilerslvneil at his resilience In Lutcaii H city. In tliu county of (Jarlio, anil State of H Utah, on or liefore the stli ilayof AiiKiist.lCiH). B .I.e. K.miwi.kh, nilinlnlstrator. H .1, C. Walters, atlorney. H Dam or 1st inilillciitlou, Anrll Tth last May V H Notice of Sale of Personal Property. M In the matter of the cstateof Ripley H S. Lyon, deceased. H ( The undersigned will sell at private H ' M j tiOll shares of Grand Central Mining H I company stock. H 1 100 shares Victoria Mining company H ' H 1 -00 shares Swansea Mining company H stock. H I l'-'S-lCOO Interest of $1000.00 bond of H Tcllurltle Power company. H I oOO shares of Idaho Sniii- company 1 1 Onor after the 7th day of April, moo, B i j and written bids will hi received at M the olllce of the undersigned, at No. H 85 North Main street, Logan, Utah. M Tormsof sale cash. M .Iamk.sC. Wai.tkus, Executor. H Notice to Water Users. M State Engineer's olllce, Salt Lake H City, Utah, March :il, 10(H). H Notice is hereby given that Joseph H Monson ct al, whoso postolllcc address m Is Logan, Utah, has made applica- H , tlon In accordance with the require- B , mentsof Chapter los, Session Laws of m Utah, r.'O.'i, to appropriate one luin- B j drcd twciiivllvu (l-"0 uublc-feet per B second of water llowint; In lllauksmith H j Fork River, Cache County, Utah. M j Said water will be diverted by means M , of a dam and a pipe line at a point H I ' which beais south degrees ,VJ M minutes 10 seconds east "1''.2 feet ills- B tant from thu south west comer of B the south cast iiiarler of Section J, h township 10 north, Itauge I east, Salt Lake base and meridian, from where It will be conveyed for a distance of 13, 120 feet and there used from .lanu- ary 1st to December Hist, Inclusive, of each year, to develop power for the purpose of electric llKhting and pro- pcllliiK' machinery in Millvllle, Wells- vlllo and llyruin in Ctche County, Utah. After having been so diverted . and used, tho water will be returned to the natural channel of said stream at a point which bears south 77 degrees , 20 minutes east 1200 feet distant from i , the south west corner of the south Icast (piarter of Section 2, Township 10 north, It.mge 1 east, Salt Like base and meridian. This application is designated in the State Knglneer's of- H I lice as No. 71,1. H j All protcstslagaiust the granting of J j' said application, stating the reasons I therefore must bo made by atliduvlt in I duplicate and tiled In this olllC3 within ' thirty (.10) dajs after the completion ' of the publication of this notice. C.M.ICII T.VNNKIt, State Knglneer. H Date of tirst publication April 7th, date of completion of publication May Wa LvJH , Kennedy a Laxative Honey and Tar t-i 1 1, Cores all Coughs, and expels Coltfti from ', tho oys tem by cent lyino vlng too bcivcla. HHHbHHpBBHBHKh Notice to Water Users. State Knglneer's Olllce, Salt Lake City, I'lali. March 31, lttoo. Notice is hereby glvcti that .lames McNIel, whose postolticc address Is Logan, Utah, has made application In accordance with the requirements of Chapter Ion, Session Laws of Utah, 11)0.), to appropriate twenty-live hun-dr hun-dr dths (.23) of a cubic foot per second sec-ond of water flowing from a spring In Cache count), Utah. Said spring Is situated al a point A2S feet, north and (111 feet east of the east quarter corner cor-ner of section 27, township 12 north, range 1 east, Salt Lake base and meridian. Said water wll' be diverted at a point where It Issues from said spring and conveyed for a distance of 800 feet by means of a pipe, and there used from April 1st toScptember.'loth, Inclusive, of each year, tj Irrigate 5 acres of land embraced In section 27, township 12 north, range 1 cast, Salt Lake base and meridian. Krom October Octo-ber 1st of each year to March Illst of the year following, as much of said water as may be necessary will be used for domestic purposes. This application ap-plication Is designated in the State Knglneer's olllce as No. 707. All protests against the granting of said application, stating the reasons therefor, must be made by atliduvlt In duplicate and tiled in this olllce within thirty ('M) days after the completion of the publication of this notice. CalkiiTa.vnki!, State Knglneer. Date of tint publication April 7th, date of completion of publication May 7th. Ballard's Horthound Syrup. Immediately relieves hoarse, croupy cough: oppressed, rattling, rasping and diillcult breathing. Henry C Sterns, druggist. Shtillsburg, wis., writes, May 20. 1002: ,ll have been selling Mallard's llurehouud Syrup for two years, and have never had a preparation pre-paration that has given better tails-faction. tails-faction. I notice thai when I sell a bottle they come back for more. I can honestly recommend It." 25c, f0c and $100. Sold by Itlter llros. Drug Co. Cures Coughs and Colds. Mrs. C. Peterson, tli'i Lako St. To-peka, To-peka, Kans, siys "Of all cough remedies re-medies llallatd's Ilnrchound syrup Is my favorite; it has done and will do all that Is claimed for It to speedily cure all coughs and colds and it Is so sweet and pleasant to the taste Sold by litter Bros. Drug Co ssssssissssssssssisssssssssl Medicinal Value of Perfumes. Most of the perfumes were thought by the ancients to hne a medicinal value. Tlij me was thought to have p tonic quality and lavender a soothing nne. Patchouli was cheering. Jasmine stimulating, while heliotrope was Irritating, Irri-tating, unless used In small quantities. Some people today believe that sandal Is a tonic, and Its virtue was known to the Greeks, who anointed themselves them-selves with It when they entered the Olympian games. Oregon Short Line R. R. CACHK VALLEY TIME CARD No. II. Dally. No. I). Daily Mixed. I'ocatullo 2it5ti.ni 2:30 a. in i?alt Lake 4:10 " ll:IJp.m Ogden 5:20 " 1:25 " CachoJct. 7:00 5:30 ira Metidon "il " il:00 " Lcitan 7:35 " 6:25 " Stnltlifleld 7:53 " 7:00 " Klchtnoml 8:01 " 7.-4J " Franklin SCI " 8:15 " AIIIIIVKM I'rston SlIU " HilO a. in SOUTH HOUND. t.KAVES. No. IS Dally. No.ld. Dally.Mtxe Preston 7:10 a. in 1 :40a. in l-'rankUn 7:27 " 10:00 " Ulchinonil 7:43 " 10:40 " Smlllilloh! 7:50 " lino " Loitan "8115 " 12:5flp.io Mendon 8:33 " 1:10 " Cacho.lct. 8:50 " 1:35 " A mil vies. Otfilen 10:35 " 0:00 " Salt I.aku 11:45 " 7i40 " I'oeatcllo 4.45 " For f iirthtir Information amply to W. W. Woodsldo Aitent WHEN GOING EAST WHY NOT ENJOY YOURSELF? You wlll-if you travel oier the Illinois Central Cen-tral R. R. IT COSTS NO MORE. The best of service between Omaha, Chi cago, Minneapolis, aud St. Paul, as well as between Chicago, St. Louis, Memphis, New Orleans and all Southern and Southeastern South-eastern points. For full Information or literature call on or write J, A. Foley, Com. Agent, 75 W. 2nd S Salt Lake City. To Los Angeles and Glorious California VIA Salt Lake Route LOW Excursion RATES See your nearest agent or write to . L. MOORE, 'D.P.A. Salt Lake Utah. City of Mexico and Return $69.80. April '.'5th to May fith the Colorado Midland I will sell round trip tickets Salt Lake to City of Mexico, and return for $ii!)0. Good for sixty days and stop-overs. Now Is the rlRht time to visit Old Mexico. Your choice of three routes. Observation Ob-servation cars thru scenery in daylight. Illustration books on Mexico free. For further Information write L. II. Hording, Gcn'l Agent Salt Lako City. 5 Olllce 77 West Second South Utah, Mortgage Loan corporation. Tithing Office corner, login, Utah has plenty of MONEY AT ALL TIMES for FARM AND CITY LOANS at lowest rates. No Commissions Commis-sions charged SALT LAKE CITY DIRECTORY Cullen Hotel. 0 West Second South st. Modern and up-to-date. natcs-$2.00 per day. S. C. EWING, Prop. B, G, Morris Floral Go,, TttOS. HOBDAY, Manager. Floral Designs and Decorations :: :: "ranch 52 E. 2nd S. Phone 853. McCORNICK BUILDING Windsor Hotel Centrally located. South of Ken-yon Ken-yon Hotel, Main street. European plan. Rates reasonable. reason-able. State trade solicited-Rates solicited-Rates 50 cents and up. When you are In Salt Lake Look for Big 7 IT'S MARK'S CIGAR STORE. 7 West Second South Street FLUFF RIG WORKS mnii nii.wiF. itKVKit?inLE kuos made from old Carpets. No. -30 We oulli Temple. I'.mnlilet on aipllctlou THROUGH SFRVICE i o ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST -, VIA Missouri Pacific Railway THROUGH SCENIC COLORADO FERTILE KANSAS AND MISSOURI Pullman Sleeping Cars, Observation Dining Cars I Electric Lights Electric Fans I Reclining Char Cars (seats free) I Up-to-date Day Coaches. For Hcrths. Tickets, Foulders, etc., address H. C.TOWNSEND, Gcn'l Passenger and TIcketAgt. RT LOUIS The Only Double-Track Railway between the Missouri River and Chicago. The Overland J Limited I The Most Luxurious Train la the World I Compartment and drawing-room B sleeping cars, observation rs, din-ling din-ling cars, buffet-smoking and library jj cars, with barber, bath and nook-I lovers Library; entire train electric I H lighted, through to Chicago without I 9 change. Direct connection for I I St. Paul and Minneapolis I n Tickets reser atlont. and full In- D JH formation in he obtained from I W C A VfMtt General Asent. Chicago & North-Western Ry. I j 206 South Main Street, 1 Nnwm Salt Uke City, Uuli. JjL DoWiH 3 Saiv ForPilei BurnstSorea |