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Show There Is no Immcdlatodangcr of the Logan city band ncqulrlncinterha-tlonal ncqulrlncinterha-tlonal reputation, but the little musical musi-cal noise the bunch made Saturday evening could have been worse and drawn a smaller crowd. This was really their first appearance, and It Is understood from Director Thomas that various causes have led to very weak practices lately. The boys deserve de-serve no little credit for the showing they made and the interest manifested manifest-ed ought to be evidence sutllcicnt to convince tho Instrumentalists that If a real band Is ever produced they will receive warm support. As long as any of tho boys presume to be members mem-bers of tho band they ought to give their best service to it, and the public should be glad to oiler encouragement until the organization proves conclusively conclu-sively that It can not and never will be able to furnish an huiir orsoof pleasure occasionally. |