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Show SMITHFIELD DEATH, IMPROVEMENTS, RACE, COUNCIL I ISM1THFIKLD. April 2t.-Fanny Chambers, eldest daughter of Theo-phllus Theo-phllus Chambers, died of organic heart jf disease caused by rheumatism. Mon day afternoon at 1 o'clock. The deceased de-ceased had been In poor health for three months past but was Improving " slowly when her heart failed. The Immediate family and relatives have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement. The funeral will take place Wednesday, services to be held in tho tabernacle at 2 p. m City Council. 'fj The city council met Monday oven- ing and discussed the advisability of letting the citizens who wish to beautify beau-tify the city by developing lawns and llowerbeds uso the city water for sprinkling purposes. Tho question of a liquor llcenso for tho drug store also came up for discussion. Mack& lialn nave dcclaied their Intention and backed It up by experience of the past four months, to run a first-class drug store and will not permit nor allow any liquor to bo so'd over their coun ters except for strictly medicinal pur-pojes.and pur-pojes.and usked a big reduction In the amount assessed the previous drug firm. Thero was not a full quorum of the council, lllshop WoodrulT and Georg Dono being .out of the city, so no definite action was taken. Business Notes. ; ' Sylvester Coleman, who sold his I' property to Mr. Hunt and who ex pected to Icavo about the loth of this month for Marysvllle, Idaho, has decided de-cided that Smlthlleld Is the best place for him and has purchased the For-rcstcr For-rcstcr place on Depot street. His many friends congratulate him on his ftffb decision and arc glad to keep him liore. John Hlllyard has had his new building painted Inside and out and the Consolidated Implement company will install the Smlthtleld branch there. Th;y will have on display a tins line nf buggies and wagons. John F. Hlllyard will have the management of the branch. Frank Purser has remodeled and papered pa-pered his Ice cream and confectionery store and Intends to conduct a llrst class Ice cream parlor, where his many patrons will receive ready service ser-vice and courteous treatment. If the weather permits there will be a horse race, on Main street Saturday Satur-day afternoon. At 4 p ni. tho Row-man Row-man and Hlllyard horses are entered for a purse of $1.", $10 to go to the winner win-ner and io to the loser. J. Pitcher lins sold his house and lot on south Main street to Ren Sorenson for $."50, Mr. Pitcher and family will live permanently In Trenton whero his ranch Is. Mr, Mclssner, of Logan, was In town last Friday to place his baKcr.v goods. 10. R. Miles Jr. will handle them for the present. There will bo a band dauco Saturday evening. General Notes. Mrs. Tlios Miles received word from her daughter residing In the vicinity of San Francisco. She was worried until receipt of this letter which re-latcd re-latcd that the shock was quite severely se-verely felt at that point, furniture being be-ing thrown about and tho husband being be-ing thrown across the room, escaping with a few bruises. The Hoard of Health of Smlthlleld held their first meeting of the year last Wednescay evening and appointed appoint-ed their local health olllccr. George Dono is sanitary and quarantincoftlcer and will attend to the ilaging and fumigation fu-migation of any cases of epidemic diseases dis-eases that may occur. The storm here on Monday was very severe. The wind carried away a new summer kitchen just built for K. Tlmmons and demolished It. A barn was also blown down between here ail Logan. Personal Mention. II. T. Peterson expects to move to Trenton to manage the new roller mills to be erected there this spring. He left Monday to attend a meeting of the directors and stockholders In Trenton, when a dellnlte decision would be reached. Smlthlleld will be sorry to lose Hans but our loss will be Trenton's gain. Hattlc McClaln and her sister, Mrs. Winters of Pocatcllo, have been visiting visit-ing their mother, Mrs. Charles, McClaln, Mc-Claln, the past week. 1'iof. Mfller, of the H. Y. college Logan, lectured at the tabernacle Thursday and Friday evenings. On Thursday evening his subject was "Character", on Friday evening "Social "So-cial Purltv." R. J. Hammer, who expected to return re-turn home this week, Is detained In New York by tho Illness of Charles Harris. As soon as Mr. Harris Is able to travel, both will start for the west. N. Savllle, crockery man, Mr. Win-gale, Win-gale, McDonald's candy man, Mr. Kvans, of. Ogdcn, Mr. Itectsoap and Mr. Lawson, of Salt Lake, were all in town Monday. Mrs. Nelson, of Pocatello, mother of Mrs. Tout, purchased the residence of Ernest Smith In the cast end of town, and will reside here permanently. Hebe Smith was called to Ogdcn on account of the dangerous Illness of his sister, Mrs. Taylor. The message came that she was dying. Mr. Ramshaw, of the R. M. II. T. company, was In town last Friday Inspecting In-specting the working of our central. Mary Grllllth has returned from her trip up north to Rexbuig, Pocatello and other points Fred Sandberg had his brother and sister visiting him last week from Cornish, Utah. K. R. Miles Jr. was In. Logan on business Monday accompanied by Sylvester Syl-vester Low. Misses Hadlleld and Gladys Farrell spent Sunday on P. P. Rlngham's ranch. Thad Daly is tho happy father of a line girl. All concerned doing well. Rlrd Allen left Wednesday to perform per-form a mission In the British Isles. II. Hayball, of Logan, was in town Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Scth Chambers arc ex- H pected home abous tho last of May. il Mr. Chambers has been attending the 'H Northwestern Dental college In Chi- H cago and will spend his vacation at iH R. V. Larscn and Ralph Thornley jH have been Improving their property IH by the addition of a new picket fence. jH Parley Pitcher, who has been cm- :H ployed In Logan the past winter, re- iH turned home for the summer. . !H Hazel Toolson will fill the position jH left vacant by the departure of Roy ;' Smith on his mission cast. ' John Covey has purchased the Lewis H C. Pcteison homestead on Depot St. H and moved In on Monday. ll Parley Chambers was thrown from H a "seeder" a few days ago but was not seriously Injured. I William Claypool has been improv- H Ing his home by the addition of a sum- H mer kitchen. H .las. Cragun will leave June 1.1th for M Europe to perform a two year's mis- M Ren Lundquist will move into the i old Price home on North Main street Tho city council appropriated $100 for the relief of San Francisco victims. H W. C. Mack has sold a tine driving B marc to Seth Langton for $123. M Sheriff Smith was In Smlthtleld Frl- ! (lay of last week. M Mrs. Kimball has gone to Iter ranch M for the summer. M W. II. Price is painting Ills saloon H building. 11 |