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Show Things Movng at S. F. San franclsco. April -.1 Tnlns liac been running on all lines practically practi-cally on the regular sc'liktlulc, excepting except-ing on the Coast line of t lip Southern Pacific company. Service on that, line was resumed today and dispatches will now bo made rctfularly. The llrst mall from San Francisco for outside points was dispatched yesterday and since that time all regular dispatches have been made, excepting a few of thc smaller closed-pouch dispatches, which wero omitted In order that thc postolllcc might concentrate the forces upon tho heaviest and most Important mail. Must Not Build Fires. The Insurance companies have uotl-lied uotl-lied thc mayor that If any attempt is made to build (lies in any of thc houses In San Francisco, except the bakeries already authorized, that all insurance will be Invalidated. Thc engineering department of the United Stales army, having In charge the construction of the temporary buildings in Golden date park for thc housing of the homeless now camped there, report that eight buildings HlO feet long by -8 feet wide and III feet high will have been llnlshcd by night. Temporary Homes. These buildings will be cut Into compartments large enough to furnish sleeping loom for a family, and each compartment will have a separate entrance en-trance from thc outside. Lumber Is being delivered at the park In large quantities and i:i." carpenters are at work on the temporaiy buildings. Many of thc people who have not had even tent shelter thus far will tonight have a loof over their heads. Sergeant Goes Insane. Ills nerves completely shattered by the shock of the catastrophe, 1'ollce Sergeant O'Dea of the park station, went suddenly insane this morning, and was removed to the park emergency emer-gency hospital. After receiving attention at-tention there he was removed to his home. Tho surgeons state that O' Oca's condition Is serious, and If he Is not kept away fiom the scenes that have preyed upon his mind, his dementia may bo permanent. Feeding 300,000 Persons. The city Is being fed from three large source, and Innumerable supply stations. There ate from iiw.ooo to .'100,000 people fed daily. There l plenty of Hour and bread, and If the wholesale men of thc dllleient departments de-partments would come forwaid It would serve to help out In thc dilll-culty. dilll-culty. There arc Ik bakeries being operated, but some of them having been charging i and ."in cents for a loaf of bread, the committee sent out a warning that llvo cents would be tho price of bread per loaf. Temporary Offices. Tho City Auditor, thc Treasurer, Tax Collector and City Attorney have established temporary headquarters and are now making actlvo preparations prepara-tions to resume the work of their of-tlces. of-tlces. The vaults of the Treasurer, Auditor and Tax Collector are Intact. There is something like $(1,500,000 in the vaults of t,Mo City Treasurer. The Tax Collector will be In a position to resume thc cu..,.ct Ion of taxes In a few days and there Is no doubt but that all thc olllclals and other employees of the city and county of San Francisco will receive their salaries No Passes Now Needed. The relief committee announced today to-day that citizens no longer would bo hindered In progress through thc city, that no passes are necessary and that requisitions cannot bo made unless thc case Is extreme. The mayor of Stockton Stock-ton today telegraphed to Mayor Sclnnllz olfering to barbecue beef by the carload and to can soup and beans on a large scale. t |