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Show City and County Good sound onions for sale at the Tithing otlice. II Prof. Northrop went to Lehi Monday. People using Vowles Health Hour have no occasion to use spring tonics. Mrs. Beatrice Wecks-Olney, of Smithtield, was a Logan visitor Monday. Mon-day. Foil SalkCheai' Selfblndcr, mare 16 years old and light spring wagon. Inquire W. Fames, Republican Oillce. Joseph Qulnney Jr., of the Logan sugiyr factory, came from' Lewiston Monday morning. Special sale on spring clothing, shoes, hats, etc., at J. Newbold's. Call and see us. I Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Foss, of Preston, spent Sunday with Mrs. Thomas Smart of this Uly. Lawn grass, orclmid grass, vegetable and ilower seeds at UenJ. Carlisle's, Florist and Seedman. t James Law is quite 111 at his home In Paradise, he being allllcted with a severe gathering in the side of his head. The extra machinery for the city electric light plant has arrlcd. Men and teams arc now placing it In the canyon. About fifteen sheep shearers left Hyde Park Monday morning to shear sheep for Thomas Smart. The camp is west of Washakie, Box Elder county. coun-ty. LOOK OUT Spiing is coming -so is John Bench coming after you, for your house painting and paper hanging. hang-ing. First-class workmen sent to all points of the county. Miss Josephine Wells, of Salt Lake city, well known to the younger circles cir-cles of Logan, was married last Wednesday Wed-nesday to Douglass I). Mollat. Mrs. B. G. Thatcher, of this city, was present pres-ent and assisted In lecelving. .FIFTEEN knitters wanted at once. Union Knitting Mills Co , Logan. B. G. Thatcher was a passenger to Salt Ln'fca yesterday. For garden seed of all kinds go to BcnJ. Carlisle, Florist and Seedsman. E. A. Box, of Brigham, Is at the A. C. of U- auditing accounts. Lost $:'0 gold piece between U. O. and . C. of U. Suitable reward for return to this otlice. t Hon. Peter Bnintson, of the Malad Enterprise, was a Logan visitor over Sunday. Foil halk Eighty acres of tlrst class dry land adjoining Cache Junction. Addressor call on Ell J. Bell, Logan, Utah. Stake otllcers of the Relief Society of Cache Stake will convene at 10 o'clock next Saturday, the 28th, at the usual place, a good attendance Is desired For sale Horse, harness, saddle, rubber-tired buggy and and Encyclopedia Encyclo-pedia Bilttanlca. P. K. Kceler, north First East street. J II. W. Hansen, of College, and .las. Larsen, of the Third ward, went to Brigham yesterday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Lars Hansen. For Sale Phil's livery stable at Preston. Good bat gain If bought at once. Inquire of A. C. Smith, Smith Block, Preston. S. II. Roundy writes from Washington Washing-ton county to his partner, It. A. Berry, that their mining claims show up well as the development work progresses. Seo the line array of tombstones Just lecelvcd by the Cache Valley Marble anil Granite Co. Reduced prices for Decoration Day. X A Wcllsville man says that the Providence and Millvlllc road supervisors super-visors had better take a trip oer the Wcllsville road and get an object lesson. les-son. We have some men's furnishings which are being be-ing sold regardless of cost. Campbell and Sons Co. Miss Jennie Berry, ol St John, Arizona, Ari-zona, has been visiting her uncle, R. A. Beirv, of this city, during the past ten days. She started for her southern south-ern home yesterday. Boy's straw hats, 5 cents and up, at Andreas Peterson's. II. C. Uohmbach, of Salt Lake, representing rep-resenting Hall Insurance company, of Minnesota, is In Logan. He will visit the farmers in the Interest of Insurance Insu-rance and may appoint local agents to transact the business for the llrm. Japanese Silk Waists, Black or White, for $1.75 at Logan Dry Goods Co. Leo Campbell returned from Salt Lake Monday night, where ho met his parents who recently returned from the coast. The health of R. S. Campbell Is much Improved but Mrs. Campbell still remains quite weak. Tho couple left San Francisco one and a half days before" the catastrophe. A. II. Llndqulst, undertaker of Po-catello, Po-catello, has been in town the oast four days. He Is the guest of his brother, Geo. W. Mr Llndqulst has been in the north about one year and during that time ho has built up a most excellent business. This is tne season of listless headaches head-aches and spring disorders. Holllstcr's Rocky Mountain Tea Is a suie preventative. preven-tative. Makes you strong and vigorous. vigor-ous. .') j cents, Tea or Tablet. V. E. Nappcr F. A. Mitchell, of this city, makes the statement that in IStil he and Jos. Woodmanseo whllo In San Francisco were thrown from their beds In a third-story room of a hotel, caused by the shock of an earthquake. The Impression Im-pression of the force shown lias nover quite left Mr. Mitchell's mind. Exceptionally stylish line of men's neckwear at Campbell's, regular 50c and 75c values, sale price 3 for $1. 00. C, A. Cathcart, who has been here a couple weeks with his brother, Principal Princi-pal Cathcart, of the New Jersey Academy, Acad-emy, went to Salt Lake Monday. The young man Is an electrician from St.-Louis St.-Louis and hopes to II ml a location In Salt Lake, as he likes this country very much. For sale Granary situated on the old Rltcr property adjoining the WoodrutI school. Bids will bo received by the clerk at his oillce until Thursday, Thurs-day, April 2flth, 10CMI. By order of Board of Education. Misses Katherlnc Smith, Charlotte Kyle, Annie Raymond, Martha Fisher, Fish-er, Edna Linn, Mrs. N. It. Moore, and Messrs.J.M. and C.A. Cathcart and N. It. Moore spent Saturday In Logan canyon. Though April is considered a little early for canyon parties, the day was exceedingly warm and It is noted that vegetation is rcallv further along than down In the valley. Rooms furnished or otherwise. 11 j i south First East street $ , Andrew Anderson, who has been 1 one of the agents for the Cache Val- , ley Implement company, will work on his farm at Mendon this year. ' 15 cents per docn paid for eggs at II. G. Hav ball's. : i We sell tho Earth and Loan money on It. II. A. Pcderscn & Co. 1 John Murdock, of Dayton, has been ' In Logan the past few days. He owns 1 considerable land under the Oneida Irrigating ditch and sajs the present i ditch tax Is $18 per acre. , Boy's overall's, 35 cents and i up, at Andreas Peterson's. On May 14, examinations for forest rangers will be held at Ml Pleasant ' and Pangultch. On the same date c- ' amlnatlons for forest supervisors will . be held In all the large cities. The salaries attached to these positions arc fair and ought to attract a number num-ber of applicants ' New Shirt Waists just arrived at Logan Dry . Goods Co. John Lclshmnn Jr.. a resident of Wcllsville, died at his homo Monday morning at the age of 75 years. He had been allllcted for some time, but his death was due to typhoid. Mr. Lcishman was a very highly icspected cltlen of Wcllsville, having lived there since 1HIC. From our extensive and well chosen stock of carpets and wallpaper we arc able to suit all Wo lead! Lundstrum Furniture and Carpet Co. 'J The Pittsburg Perfect makes a very nice fiont fence. For samples sec the one built by Natt Shaw opposite the Benson school. See Eicrton & Son's ad elsewhere In this Issue Robert Murdock J r has another to help him wear out that seven-horsepower automobllious he drives about the streets. The little angel came on Sunday. It might bo mentioned men-tioned that Mrs Murdock is concerned con-cerned In this event, and that all arc happy. Is It a boy, orglrl? Of course It Is, but lsnk It designated as an angel. For sale A first-class mercantile business In Garland, Including buildings, build-ings, ground and good fresh stock of general merchandise. The best location loca-tion In the city Address It, P.O box 4", Garland, Utah. On account of the quarterly conference confer-ence being held the first Saturday In May, tho ofllcers meeting of the Y. L. M. I. A. of Cache stake will be held one week earlier, April 2S, In the cast basement room of the tabernacle at 10 o'clock. All olllcers are requested to be present and as many members as desire to attend will be welcome. Mary S. Hendrlckson, Martha W. Carlisle, Maggie Smith. All smart up-to-date women ofto-day. ofto-day. Know how to bake, wash, sing and to plav; i Without t)eso talents a wife Is X. O. Unless she takes Rocky mountain Tea. C. E. Nappcr. An effort will be made to get some Lucky Star ore to the Salt Lake smelters within the quickest time possible. It is said that there Is three or four crtr loads of oro down now, and : a great quantity Is In sight. This , must be wheeled to the light, and then sorted. A dugway has yet to be built and this will tako a little time. The management proposes to push the work as rapidly as they can, but tliero ! Is tho unfortunate lack of money for development purposes. A team has been purchased for use about the prospect and In hauling supplies The force of men Is to be Increased. You owe it to jour dead relathe to erect a suitable monument at the head of his grave. The Cache Valley Marblo & Granite Co. has live car loads of line stones Just in and from this you can select a good monument for any amount of money you have to spare for this purpose. If you want the stone up by" Decoration day put In your order now. John Montroso and Harry Brown . tell a weird tale of antics cut by the wind In the Smithlleld cemetery Monday. Mon-day. The wind cut such capers down here that lady pedestralns rushed home to put a twenty-pound weight on the bottom of their uklrts, but up there while narry was cutting an Inscription In-scription on a tombstone the wind blew tho letters olt as fast as he made them. When the wind laid slightly he managed to cut the inscription all right but the wind was blowing so hard that the letters were reversed. The bovs will have to put that tombstone tomb-stone wrong end up or teach the visitors visit-ors to the cemetery to stand on their heads as they view the inscription. Harry InslsU that as they were returning re-turning to Logan In the face of that wind he saw a dog blown wrong side out and when the pair arrived In Logan, ! Mr. Montrose found that he had lost a line leather coat that ho was wearing wear-ing it blew right oil his back and ho didn't know it. That was a terrible wind. |