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Show A. C. of U.'s Big Victory Logan Boys Defeat the Provoites by a Score of 70 to 41. Frew and Nelson the Stars. Puovo, April 21. A. C. V. won an easy victory over the B. Y. U. team In the tlrst dual track and Held meet of the season here Saturday, securing secur-ing seventy points against forti-one for the Provoites. Fifteen althletcs came down from Logan and a crowd of loo went out to the meet. The track was fast and while good spoil was seen, no record's were broken. In one of the hurdle events M. J. Andrews, An-drews, of Logan, fell through a Inn die, sprained his anklo and was badly injured in-jured about the face and body. Fiew, of the A. U. U. team was the star of the day, winning both dashes in good time as well as second In the shot put and being a member of the winning relay team. His mark of :10 Hat In the 100-yard dash was one of the best performances of the day, Frew not being pushed to his limit to make the mark. Victory a Big Surprise. While the victory tiad practically been conceded the Loganltcs befoie the meet, the big score they ran up was hardly looked for. Nelson, the 250-pounder from Logan, scared Hans and John Peterson almost to death In the shot-put and hammer throw events, and neither was able to do good work. Ilentcln, the local 1 oy, did great work In the high Jump, securing se-curing second place, and has the car-marks car-marks of a coming state champion In this event. Willi a little more work he should bo able to clear the bar at better than live feet eight inches. Coach Campbell, of the A. C. U., stated that while Ills team had a walkaway walk-away in the tlrst meet he believed that aftei three weeks works the Provoites will be able to hold his men point foi point Summary 120-yard hurdles Conger, A C , first Stuart A. C, second. Time :1. 100-yard dash Frew, A. C. first; Dixon, A. C. second; Christenscn, B. V. U. third. Time-. 10 Mile run B. Hansen, A. C. Ilrsf, King, B. Y, U., second; Powell, B. Y. LT, third. Time -5:00.1. 140-yard run Holdaway, II. Y. U. llrst; Stalllngs, B. Y. L'., second, Skousen, B. Y. U. third. Tlme-.54:2 220-yard dash Frew, A. C. first; Dixon A. C, second Cluistcusen, B. Y. U. third. Time-:2X2. 220-yard hurdles-Murdock, B.Y. U. tirst: Stewart, A. C. second: Haw-ley Haw-ley B. Y. U. third; Tlme-:2!U. Half mile run R. Hanson, A. C , tirst; Iloldaway, B. Y. I', second; Stalllngs, B Y I' third. Tlnic-2.0).l. Tlnic-2.0).l. 1 Half mile relay Won by A. C.teara: Dixon, Farnsworth, Stewart, and Frew. Timc-1 ::.: Shot put Nelson, A. C. lirst: Frew, A. O. second. .1. Peterson B. Y r third. Distance- :m feet, 0 Inches Hammer tluow Nelson A. C. lirst; Hans Peterson B.Y. U. second; .John Peteison B. Y. II. tlihd. Distance 115 feet I Inch. High Jump Carpenter; A. C. lirst; Hcnlcin, B. Y. If. second: Aldrus, A. U., third. Height-:, feet 1 1-1 In. Pole vault Farnsworth, A. C. llrst Carpenter, A. C. second: II. Peteison, Petei-son, It. Y. U. third. Height n feet, 10 1-2 Inches. Broad jump Iialrd, It. Y. V Hist. Hcnlelu, B Y. U., second. Carpenter, Carpen-ter, A. C thltd Distance 21 foot I Inch |