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Show bssbbbbbbbj i . - 1 ., .. . ,, , H GERMAN HERMIT PROPHECIES M I A copy of the Desert News in the M possession of Win. Hemingway, of this M city, dated March 11, 1807, contains H t an article from the pen of one Geo. H ( W. Crockwell, of Sioux City Iowa. M Mr. Crockwell furnishes from his M scrapbook a copy of a prophecy made 1 ' by a German hermit foity years be- M fore and published in a Bavarian pa- M per. This prophecy Indicates various M j things which have really come to pass, H notably the assassination of two uresl- M dents or the United States, and cor- M tain dillicullies In Geimany The H point of Intel est at this time, how- fl ever, Is the prophet's assertion that m Dm twentieth century would open with great seismic disturbances. Ho propheclcd that New Yoik city would he submerged by earthquake and that Florida and Lower California aieto sutler total extinction. Theie Is much that makes intciestlug reading, but his assertion that the United States will be broken up Into six dir-reieut dir-reieut nations, with capitals at San F.anclsco, Denver, New Orleans, St. Louis, Washington and Boston, seoms so layout reason that we pass him up as one or the raise prophets the gocd book mentions. This German hermit sajs the twenty-tlflh president will be the last executive head of the United States government. |