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Show A. C. Class Out. Prof. It. W. Clark and his class in stock Judging at the A. C. of U., numbering num-bering about twenty-live, went over to Colllnston Monday and spent the day Willi that highly successful farmer and breeder, W. S. Hansen. The day was spent In Inspecting Mr. Hansen's pure breed sheep, his line barns and methods of farming, and there at his handsome residence a program of music and speech-making was indulged in-dulged in. At the proper time a dinner such as can be produced only by successful farmers was served. Tho bays found the day one of exceptional pleasure and prollt, getting no little Inspiration and pointers from Mr. Hansen's methods and evident success. suc-cess. It Is well known to most of our readers that W. S. Hansen is one of the most successful farmers In tho state of Utah, possessing a farm and home in Hear Illver valley that Is not eclipsed by many anywhere, so It may be readily understood how young men from all sorts of farm homes must have appreciated this visit. Mr. Hansen Han-sen gives the A. C. of U. credit for a large part of his success, he having taken advantage of thn useful knowledge know-ledge disseminated from there. Director Yodcr and Veterinarian Frederick, of the A. C.wcrc also with the party. |