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Show The Loganites in San Francisco Lose Property, But None are Injured, and All Have Good Food Supply. A General Lot of Items About These, and of the Relief Work in Cache. Andrew Kliason .lr., has been heard from In the following letter, which Is joyous news to home folks. He says: "We arc all safe, thank God. The whole city Is burned except the western west-ern addition whole we live, and on out to the beach. Of course we haven't a cent any of us, as all the b:nks are burned as well as the places of business. busi-ness. We are lucky to be alive. Don't worry as we have the horse and a tent, and arc camped In the Masonic cemetery, ceme-tery, where Hie can't hurt us. Our home, like all the rest, Is a wreck. Carl Is here, as he heard in Frultvalc that the tire had gotten out here too, and he will post this letter in Oakland Oak-land to let you know we am O. K. We couldn't get a letter to you from this sloe. Don't worry about us, we arc alright." Letters from the Stovcrsat Berkley, received here Sunday and Monday, say that the shock of the earthquake was Indescribable. They felt certain that thcli building was going to fall In or topple over, and they ran out Into the street. The plaster fell, pictures dropped from the walls and every loose thing about the house fell with a crash. The twentv-elght seconds of the big shock seemed an hour, almost. No great and serious damage was done in Berkeley. Up to Saturday all efforts of Noble Stover to get over Into San Francisco to see about Logan people were unavailing. Only those who could secure permits were' allowed to enter and these were exceedingly few. Recieved by the Wests. San Fiiangisco, April 21, '00. We are all safe and none in our neighborhood got hurt. Our city Is burned from North Reach to South San Francisco. All cast of Van Ness avenue, Including IJayes valley, over 4,000 acics.all gone. I cannot write but want to assure you wo arc safe and have a three ilpys food supply. We are under un-der martial law, with Gen. Funston at the head. Think total loss only about 4,000 lives, remarkable from area of devastation. devas-tation. .1. A. Yi:atman Yesterday the Cache Commercial club consigned to Major SchmiU about i'0,000 pounds of freight, consisting con-sisting of condensed cream, Hour, hams, and beacon, canned goods, dried f i nit, bread, beans, beddlngand clothing. cloth-ing. This is the third car sent from Logan to Sun Francisco. Smlthtlcld contributed $100, Wellsvllle $,10.00. The produce recoived fioin other towns will be tabulated and published In the future. Ilichmond sent out one car of Hour and condensed cream yesterday. It is thought the contributions contribu-tions from Cache valley will reach $4000, C. O. Stclnnart,the ad vet Using man from Santa Rosa here last week, could get no word from his people In that 111 fated town up to Friday and that morning he and his wife left for home, or what might be left of It. A letter came on the following train saying that his mother, father and son were O. K. but that all his property lias been destroyed by lire. Mr. Stclnnart owned borne eighteen or twenty buildings. build-ings. At the A. C. of U. Saturday morning, morn-ing, Prof. .1. A. llexell, representing Prcs. Kerr, who Is away, started a subscription sub-scription list for donations to the relief re-lief fund. The matter was taken up again Tuesday morning, chapel service on both days being devoted to the necessity of aid. The college as a whole, faculty and students, raised about $200. Mrs Sara Kvans, of this city. Is Just In lecelptof word from her son George, who was at San .lose when the shock came. She was greatly concerned for the reason that the joung man 1 had written that he was going to San I Francisco. Mrs. Kvans had It tlgured that he would arrive Just about In time to get under the largest building build-ing that fell. Instead, lie Is safe and sound at San .lose A letter from Miss Nora MaiKen, of the Seventh ward, who is with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thatcher at San Francisco, says that the entire family, as well as the home property, are safe. However, Mr. Thatcher's dental oillcc in tho Flood building was destroyed, with all of It's contents. It comes Indirectly In-directly that Mr. Thatcher was so unfortunate as to have no Insurance. Jacob West and daughter, Mrs. Klla Yeatman, left San Francisco for Los Angeles on Saturday preceding the earthquake shock. Mrs. Yeatman has returned to San Francisco. Doesn't Does-n't it seem sttangc thai the Lord let such a rabid apostate as "Jakey" West get away from San Francisco before the great quake? Letters received Tuesday morning by members of the Thatcher family here say that Will Thatcher Is at the home of C. D. W. Fullmer, which was damaged but slightly. The American Ameri-can National Hank In which Mr. Fullmer Full-mer and K. J. Hroberg were employed, was destroyed. In the list of injured at Santa Kosa appears the name of Mrs. Hyde. It is presumed that this may be the wife of Ed Hyde, who was formerly Miss Sarah Howen of this city C. W, Hansen went to Ogdcn yesterday yester-day to meet II. C. Hansen and family and K. J. Hroberg'a family, who are expected to Logan this morning. A bcnclll ball for tho San Francisco sufferers will probably be given by the Thatcher orchestra one week from tonight. |