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Show Didn't Want Green Lobsters. Mr McDonald, who bolls lobsters on Portland pier, being short of help, hired an Irishman who was not doing do-ing an) thing ami told him to go down on the lobster car and dtp up some lobstcis aul bend (hem up. After waiting some time ho looked down and saw Pat dipping out the lobsters and throwing them overboard. He exclaimed: "What are you doing that for?" "Sure the things aro all green," said Pat. Uoston Herald Removing Old Wall Paper. Hyglenists IimIhi that old wall paper should ho removed before the now Is liunjj. This Is something more easily said than done, says the l)rookln Times The best vsn) to lemove It Is to wet It with hot water uhlng a largo whitewash brush. One wetting Is not suHlclcnt. hut the suifnce must be gone over several times Wet quite a largo area, then come back and go over It again, nnd )et again, until tho paper conies off easllj |