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Show H flVfll pNDENSED BUSINESS DIRECTORY Or LOGAN CITY I H With Information as to the Varied Resources and Industries of the City and Cache County. I m ' l S! BflBlEBBJflflBfcSBWBBBflJ jfl H "S?,J WESLKY JACQUES THE SWELL CONFECTION- FINK WINES AND LIQUORS H H pnopniETOit KKY 0f loo an. also cic.aks H Cache Valley Barbershop un.r MURDOCH'S J.R.Edwards I Livery Co.... and Bath Rooms S" my pl " "'s nfflted Camly Kitchen and Company I H , . ,, Woemnlov none lint Fxnorlpnrnil 350 days 111 tile year Oil which tile m H Livery Feed and Transfer Stable. reemploy none but bxperlenced et,;t. J Try our Whipped Cream. Cliooo- M Bus Meets all Trains. Barbers, tlius ensuring the SUll sullies, lates, Hon lions. Ice Cream. Don't fall to Call If you want any. JM commercial j Trade j Solicited Best of Service Short, mild winter, and long cool Ices, and Sherbets. Made the j car thine In our line Stables rear of Eacle Hotel Everything clean and Up-to-date. summers, 'round Our cream Is l'asteurWcd M M Entranco 1st North Street. Wo solicit your patronage and Seldom 15 below in the winter and t before freezing. OUIt GOODS A HE II Kill UKADE 11 VJ ., ,. .. .,,. will do our best to i on .1 -.i 1 All our candles are made from Jflfll H phones: olllcc 11 x; Ites. 1)0 y. please jou. but 90 ill the summer, With cool Cache Valley Sugar !H LOGAN, - - UTAH. basement thatcheu hank mountain breezes. ALL ,IOMK jjAnoit used wiieuetiie fish are "H B ; J I Iwery night cool enough for light J ' ' '"' M mZ -- - - - blankets. M WT "The Hanks," Hotel The Lincoln Hotel Purest mountain water in mi- Tromont Home The Parmer's Union H HOME-LIKE. POPULAR, limited quantity. 1 rcmoiii uuuhc hh Bwell lighted and heated. Good meals and Mrj- H,nks' ProPr AtlllOStpliere dry Mid highly ill- MRS. E. fcllCOX, Prop. Smlthlltld Ulah. ,M fr'lrst-class service. Dus to all trains: I'av- vi'trm-it Jurr " .Manntaoiurirs of the famous "Tanners' Un- iH C,Hm hostelry for Commercials, l'liono UK Commercial trade solicited Center street ij,ujuuijj. Centtr HirtU-Opislte the Tabernacle Ion llour"-lho best Hour to usu llin liest IH B1"1 7n11r. !i Af ...Unf ,'., 1.....vf1i k 19 n.i .. .. . . n ... ... place to exchaniro irrlsts the best place to do Over Postortice. Main and Ist N. Wan. P O Hot 416 -Phono 14. Valley IS 60 HlllCS 111 length by 12 Good comfortable rooms, will, or without business, try .,. wo iru.ran.ie our VooIh II. !H H HlllCS wide. Is.aril at n asonahle rails I. 1 etersi n manaKcr ;H HhCeister Ladies' Tailoring Ed. Pohl Named Cache (cash) Valley be- - - - - ,M College merchant tailor. cause it is hidden being entirelp sur- John A. Sneddon Alfred Picot ' W.nd 151 North Main Ll. ta Ow T Cleaning and Itep.lrln a specially rOUllded by the Wasatch niOUIltaillS. Altorney-.l-Uw. ' ,' rfffc year. Larifouno room. 100 feet lone, Finest samples of goods In Cache county I MoillltaillS are HCll 111 mineral , , ., , , Deaterln '! Klccly eoultiped.llranch of famous HCho)l reasonable prices for superior work i., j ., ,, . rnn Owr 1st National Hank l"""" -JH HLy Same name at St. Louis. Write tor hook- ntasonaoieprccs .or superior work wealth, aild tile V.llley. COlltaillS 500,- Fstsi.. l-rob...l M Beaorcall and fen for joursulf. Lcrona A. Nnmber WWeM 1st North street nnn r c . , ,, ' alalia I rtiiwiul Ileal iMie moriuaiin lonns and lln Insur- iBB V.lson. Principal..!. K. Wilson, manaeer. 000 acres of fillCSt SOll Oil earth. ,..., Heal islali. moru.ai. loaiw aim mi maur ,H H - -inn Uimral Law lracilco ann olllre (0 wi si 1st north street ,H B inon Nnooitu Thonio rami lauds easily worth $100 per iiH Logan Novelty Shop Logan Novelty Theatre - R.M.R0LHEN. Sawy.r ver.Ue Prop, A. C. Smith G. W. Liiulqillst H .... . ,,, . ,, Itcflned vaudcvlllo performances after- ' , ' '. ' . ' ;BH MTtie old rellahlo shot i for lllcjcle. Oun and noon and and evenluc 4. 7;0 and SiMicom- per, marble CroppillgS foillld 111 lliaiiy ... , , J , , , . , IM H Hepalrsofall kinds: Also dealer,. In plctochanse Mondajs and Thursdays: Ad- 'J.nPt " b J Atlorni).at-Law Undtrlakff A Embalmtr. M H Sportlm: Goods of All Kind, mission 10c resemd seaU 10c W 1,1 N St prospects. .,.,., ,, , 1 No West lat North Hell Phone 111 If. CoildltlOllS CXCecdlllglv f.lVOrable tO I slates proband. coll.ctlous.i:,neral law -phono-Mllce, l ';H ". " "" Scientific farming aild raising of WWilce-HmUI. block. Pr.on. Idaho. .pbonre,Ulenek H. A. Pedersen & Co. Logan Elevator fruitSt - - - - H real estate, loans.insurance. collections Isaac Jor$tn$en. Prop. Valley is the greatest dairy section Jos. Wilson & Son Hans S. Nielsen 91 H Tried. Truo and Itellable. Dealer In all klndsofKraln and seedss car- of tllC State, Containing tWO COlldcilSed Brass and Iron Founders. . F .... j'H M omc'iwmoxlWiatn' m 8l'",mcm, apcciahy im b sun south milk factories and numberless cream- erM.,-i,ii,ts. ina.-i,i..ry npainntofaii y ' ll Corresiiondence In any Language answered lihonoliix CHCS. kind done we poslthely inanufacluiu Ibo Good teains.new rigs for any service! can- tlH l Cache is noted for fine horses and ,H-'sl ","" 13l,",rl T'1 forl,,y ",rr,oliH "?" Wi'.V,,l,,?rii! Wt! I lihn Thnm-ic v-.ii-m. is nuit-U JUI nut. nuibl-S anu ever placed on the marku. next (loor to Novelty ihealir. phone 111 ''lH James T.Hammond Juntl i nomas largely supplies the vSau Francisco - M Merchant Tailor. w,?.1.f ! ilH AMorneyandAltorney-a.-Uw. dTLeading tailor of norther., Utah: call P,n.,Vn11,-cA;,;i.c ,,nrt1, nf William BOWCII John Bench H Kooms :U5-310 McCornlck Hlk, . at his new store No. ;o west ist north Uaclie Valley is 65 miles uortli ot IH H A fino line of tall and Winter samples of v,1 .1 inn ...:1 .. 1. f C1 Llverv and Feed Stables. n.., r. ' IIIIIIH c,,t,,i,nit PMi. Suitings for Inspection Ogdeil Mid 100 HlllCS UOrtll of bait lVj.iiiii.)iio. Dry Cood, H H sail laKC llty, n.lll, I)ifan Uuh . i.lvery and l.nggage promptly attendid f H H whl v.iiy. n-eniims'tlons made with all trains-com- Groceries, and -"Notions jH H iiru r-I..U c.u trade sollcllid. l'lrst Wist strut, . llH "The Club Saloon A paimer LOGAN I '-0""- Uuh ""' "ltln H I H, J. DtWITT. Prop. fM M THE plumber. is the county seat of Cache county Peterson & Snrm Worley cS: Nelson 117-119 North Main Street, eer Favorlto re- with i noniilttinti of 7 000 the center iiitrsuiiccooiis. J ''M sort for Choice Imported and Domes- pr-piumblng that needs no repairing un- v jiu a injjjui.iuuii ui ,uuu, uit ttiiiti The Painters Contractors and Builders. ' iBI m tic Wet Goods and Cigar,. ,ilJck frost gets at It Of 25,000. Gold signs, window lettering, card sign,. .Jlimn ....,, h . Is located at the base of the eastern pctorui signs, pammi bulletins, wan ms- igun. uian h ,,,. . ' ia iuuulu .iL uii.ui3Lui un.i.aan.1 ii plays. Uineral palming of all kinds lii iip-to- Phono Nos. 14n and ISsk ' M M Dr. I. P. Stewart J. Z. Stewart Jr. range of the Wasatch mountains. s5u,lhXinrstreJiwork ruar,l,,,,1, h'''0," i-oboxaM.eorn.wniience solicited fl Is the "Temple City of the North," I "-m nH' A..orne..tUw. and the 'jAtheus of Utah." . J A McCausland sJcSsor toGowans&Mewan. omceover The Agricultural College with wniteswan Laundry H Klrst National Hank. Phone 104. "T'l!! mah'""' '" $500,000 bllildingS aild 750 StlldeiltS C. A. Camming,, Prop. , , . --'- to"",ttb is located here. AH higher courses t u , .i.xt'fL'cKd' , ... ,. ,.1.4- rHist work-Prompt dellviry bio pain by use of iMlontunder; satlsfacUon j H JameS C Walters A.H A Rlivl- taUgllt. guaranteed! pobuxl7l: over ltitor Hros H Aiirta a. dhxi The Brigham Young College with 4iKCimerM. -phoneioo, AHORNEY-AT-UW. ' House Paln.lnJ and Paper HanSlng. magnificent buildings and 725 Stud- CHAS fi HOLMES ' H enfsis here. The Logan Nurseries CHAb. U. HULiYitS) H Union lllock - 74 North Main Street Sign painting a specialty! All work guar- Tile New Jersey Academy Wltll 150 Painter and Paperhangcr. H . "teed first-class. phone 163z StlldcntS IS located here. Trees, PlanlS. Seeds and Flowers. Gralller and decorator. Calclmlng done : i .o. ctnnM, i o..n,i, TT , . . The city school system is one of A" ",,e b.lock "' "i"'i " urtuwd norkmanshu. guaranteed, iihu tm Logan bteam Laundry Hart & Nebeker tie best -u tj)e west. c,,ul11 desinds pries reasonable im H 46 West Ist North. Ari -i i -l i . j South Jlaln strut H Uwym The city has wide streets, paved . lftHN DIIrHTI Kirsl-class cmclent work done on short Suite 5 and 8 commercial block sidewalks aild CTOSSillgS. . , u ,. T , . . w , n JOHIN KUtH I I H notice! family washes a specialty! satlsfac- .... . -.. nnn , CaCllB VallBV TP8 31111 Sfiflil WalPr ffl i M lion guaranteed. Phone ..,, , ""i"- T A $150,000 WatenVOrlfS System Korlka 1 Pearson Proof Merchant Tailor. -Phone 70,-po box 54 owned by the City. ' wr-n i 'V .' T?.' ' '. . Ladl, s and Gentselo.hlng neatly cleaned ""- J 1 . .' 1 , , , PHlleadiiuarti'm for all kinds of teas, eof- ' M ,, A ,, o. r 1- ' " A SlOO 000 lltTIlt Tjlailt Owned DV fies. sjilces. Ilavorlng extracts and baking and reparlu) Good work guaranteed , B U. O. JVl. & B. CO. A o..,2., n Jiuu,uuu ii),iil jiiaiu uwiicu uy powders manufacturers and Untlers of all ji w in, t vmI, m H A. SWinyard the citV llavorsofsoda and mineral water, sole man- 71 W Klrst North M H Lumber Dmlrrf . '." . . ufacturers ot .Monogram the, Is st cerial , ' M , All independent electric system, fruit cmree on the market. M .aTmrmngrS: bCts. sS. M "The Hercules." Meat Market. i imiMtapu.u,a?ooiftSiw ..n,, carnage work The Bell telephone system with Dr. P. M. Poulsen Rust Reading Prop, 131 south Main 300 Subscribers. Prlmubtef. Mutton, Pork. Veal. etc.. etc. 1 H Unlimited water power for estab- ointist. tsriiame ami Pmum i season. H 1 Real Estate, Loan and In- Odell Photo Studio lishmeut of factories. ftSKB'ISot'hCCt,,, ' ' "im " surance Co., of Logan. .,, The city will soon have astreet cieanW Teet'n, - - lioo , ... nAnnrw, H I N. H. Kimball 4 A. E. Cranney, Mrs. Family Croups a Specialty. milwiv HlRliest class Crown and llridire Work J. W. BARRE IT . 1 Farms. itanches, Hi sidenco and HusincHs . , ,,. ,.,., irti. , . , . , , ,. .lt at most reasonable prices. All work H vLocatlons for sale. Wo solicit comnpond- CVl ortralts enlargeu in trajon, mala n eectnc suburban lllie With guaranteed. Tcetll extracted without Architect. . H B jte, Olllce in Union, onr Andreas Peter- Ink, pastel and water colors Main and . . . . " , nniponvir II O tnrn lH JMn-x shoo store. center streets. Iigan. Utah Salt Lake COlllieCtlOtlS IS a Certain Pa,n' WlllCCOer U. U. Store. Plans, and Sp..;lllcatlons furnish on j M B 1 ,.t w short notice. P. ). Hox 41', DlllcoS.7 prOSpeCt. North l'lrst Kast slleet HH Palace Meat Market Joseph Tarbet Logan has a commodious and beau- Put rubber tires on your I'lwnjnjjj-pj-mii-ni !: H u Jt n ,w n. w tiful opera house, good hotels, a $10,- busrirv J bH Wm- R"d,n' Pro"- ThcP""nber' 000 pavilion and numberless amuse- DUg1 ,,,S' H Prime lietf. mutton, iiork.vcal.iic.i sua- pfOrders executed, satisfaction guaran- llieilt halls, aS Well as a "Novelty Emil Nielsen, tile CIirrlaRC builder s 1 l i H sages fresh every morning! flsh, garao and teed on short notico-140 N Main street. Lo- Tlieotre " On South Main Street, will do tills for A XsA.tUKr twultry In season a west Center street XJltairL. VOU at a small cost. Any buifBy Or itZp&S-, I BtU i,n-uu" . Three Gentile churches and ten OROn Goail(lm. ,,. WbKBB H ,! v, ..... rnkn ioii0 Dni Pctnto Mormon meeting houses. V .-sfflBr Chns. W. Miller. Cache Valley Keal estate, T,. . , -, , , . w&BtiaStiK t iias. vv.iTiinci. w j pme reslfjences anci up-to-date WSSPXxW. ' bB Ian money at Hand H tr cent, and sel busillCSS blocks. I c naifcn, BnBBBUBBailllHfk ' BBfl ., r j . .u. . residence and business locations, ranches "1 ,7 ,wv','0, ., ,-,.,,, r J. P. PetNtSCll, dRKSJESliSBBESBBBW'S II BBfl U. 0. Foundry Building and farms In Cache Valley, dnho and Cana A Commercial CI lib" of 150 NiTllDnPATll WSKSsEESEiiP da. .Notary public In our ofllce. . NAllROI'ATtl jZZZZZZlS&mmmQHii BBB Artistic and Practical Carriage l'alnter J. Z. Stewart. Manager. m""berS-.i . ffSrAVmni.wm, BBfl Three miles from Logan canyon, "natuhal mktiiods" without drug U 1J . Ci.4. H ' mnet ninrnrpcnne in wet frmti wliiVl medicine or sumlcal Operations riOUSe L.Old tire better ' e.. D . D most picturesque in west, irom which omcc n0om No. 2, I'aiacc Hotel, 1 BbI . . The Side Board Bar flows the Logan river, a beautiful Loyan, 1'ial. Sets your tire while you wait !M WllSOn WrllSKBy n4.Mdwln.PfoPi. Every opportunity for growth. I OPAnl MIIPQHDICQ And we KuaanUe that the tires set H People are progressive and liberal. LUuHll aiUlluEllllLU on this machine will stay tluhtlonRer . H THAT'S ALL. u,uors. choice w.e, .nd cigars, mued City, county and valley wants out- uw"",, "-' than they will set the old way. ' drinks a socially! Lincoln hotel e.Vlp pnrsitnl invixtod in mitine n; I Hcinembcr, we do all kinds of repair M side capital invested m mines, gas, 173 S. MAIN STREET. work ami wo assuic jou our charscs " railroads, factories. are reasonable. ' H 1 J Goodrich W. B. Parkinson, M. D. 10,000 other good points will be I t H "' MM,h 1 named on application to Commercial 1 Roses and Carnations and all (lowers ) M ujieopaui. Phwlclan and Surgeon. I pi,.i, E In season. Funcrnal designs a spec- H live years act vo practice In Logan. Of- ' VIUO. ffi . , i.. ,.,. i ! tn . Plllll F Nfe1;en BBfl flee corner Main and Center street. . , , , I rin,,H fnml in , im n eicit 1 la,tV Prompt attention Riven tO 0!- CniHC.lXICIhv.Il I aiWophone KesldoncB phone Offlco-corncr Main and center street! Hes- I DOU t Jorget to pay US .1 VISlt. dersby mall Or phone. LOGAN, U'JAH M "'teto. . """ .dencph.UbIocWnorthnYcollege.polx,, I I P. O. Boi 128. Hell Phone 163 K. ' Night calLs from residence only, i phonea-lS4k and IXx flBJ |