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Show Tan oxfords for men at $2.85 at Campbell and Sons Co. Ladies and Misses college col-lege blouse shirts $i to $2.25 Campbell's store. Kennedy a Laxative Honey and Tar Cores all Couotts, and expels Colds from (be oystm by aenily ir.ovlno Ue bowels. $k mM'W 4fr Science has developed something infinitely 9 .HH 'wfiKBIfc--MW1m' better than the old-style wrap or clamp. W feWELPR1 Its PITTSBURGH PERFECT" 1 fmrmxfW ' ? W FENCES ARE WELDED 1 W&M'i , V " BY ELECTRICITY. 1 sssssssssssssssstT'BsBiSl.f ftj. ..-' ' V K W WMmlmyt I'i4.M Thb!s the modern method of construction. Years of life are V KW " aHsk ImtiftK acJ(Jcd tnr00h thc elimination of serious fence defects. M stsssssHRe CaMhBsMsWKueW m WRAP hoUs moisture, cracks the eilvanhlnp and allows the water to attack the bare wire. A small P sssssBfc 'JsiPIJOrPM ?9sV fnWntofflalvan"l REINFORCES THE PRO- Hpi .Hl MFWm&M EW TECTIOH iteJUMiT pRSStF AT THE ELECTRICALLY WELDED JOINTS famine the joint. J ssBssssLsisSJBRsSPiW STAYS CANNOT SLIP. They are always Just where they were put. Stay and strand wires W EWii 5rl13!f Se' FfisW bwome onc pitee y,bta ,he UQ,0a b mde' pwloraled steel. H M$&-:m Every Rod is Guaranteed Perfect, m .ssssssK'to 'S(fi'WBW Don't allow your prejudice In favor of the rapidly-declining and now antiquated methods you have H AHfS-s-i fjm heretofore known, to warp your good judgment. P KSEijStjjjiglJM "PITTSBURGH PERFECT" FEN.CES REPRESENT PROGRESS, because hundreds of H a VbbsssHHbHHbIHHsIHsV thousands of dollars worth af standard material is dally welded by electricity. M BF The hoop on the average sugar barrel in the isolated country grocery store Is an electrically welded H g product. taH If your waeon was made In a lanje factory, IU tires were welded by electricity. H H You will find electrically welded hoops on ice cream freeiers and washing machines, on many tubs and buckets. Examine them. a-B IHI "PITTSBURGH PERFECT" fences are made by this modern, simple and marvelous process, producing THE WELD ssssllsslssBlsBsslsssBaiH M MR. PARMER; LISTEN.NOW. Every aeent handling " PITTSBURGH PERFECT" fences Is author- A. f j L,"" j) KI II ' I Uc io feuar anus tot i s r . "'"i -nJt u ns&r r I PBSI That t;s vulrs Kra not Inlurad at lha lolnts, r lilM I ( H That tho fno Is nertootly adlustabla o unavan ground. gB a uil" I I -, JtaU . aBH Thai tho alaya will not aapatata Irom ha alranda. """I I i """ , TS1 BH" That lha fonoo lu all rlnht In aery particular. BB 32w , , , , ' JfflJ j. H HHb Could you ask any mqye definite protection ? Your complete satisfaction b absolutely 261 """" '"" " I Jnjl vA 5 Everton & Sons, the Stove Men, Agts pg3gg339:l Less Work Better Results I The flrt matter oftmportance when tpravlnz Is to aecure clean fruit and healthy l I I treea; tlie next thing U to have expended the least poulbte amount of time and money. Ill Bean Magic Spray Pumps C"" 'slLjt are peculiarly odapted to do these thlrtaa. They are entirely II a" Tr-f different from other pumps in almost every respect, but par II tlcularly because they III ' Save One-third The Labor II t In the Sprinrostatheiiecrals What's the III y use In working so hard when the same results can be accom 1 1 t plished with a third leas .abort Save time and effort by III dividing the work, doing half at each stroke of thehandle II r Instead of doing all at onc stroke, and meanwhile be work 1 1 w Ing against only oneHalf the pressure indicated on the III I gauge Majflc pump are built in two sties and have 111 I nonclo2glng ball valves. It Is worth your while to see one 1 1 W have sample, of theit pumps In stock II I and will be pleased to show thorn to you. 1 1 I Sidney Stevens Implement Co. u Ogden, Logan and Montpeller. Ill IK YOU WANT Good, and Sato Electric Wiring In your homes SEE ME! V. K. PLUWMAN, Electrical Contractor. Con-tractor. 7 Commercial ISlock. Ind. Phone .V)8a. Few choice men's suits at prices you can't afford to overlook. Campbell's dependable store. A GOOD PASTURE Horses will be received at 10. Rani- J Ing's place In Falrview on Monday, j April 2, at Hill's place In Whitney on Tuesday, April 3rd, and the l'reston es-tray es-tray pound on Wednesday the 4th. Cattle will be received at Falrview April 23, at Whitney the 24th and at Preston the 2oth. Horses $1.00 per month, cattle f0c, all stock Insured j A, M. fRECBAIRN Nounan Valley. Hear Lake county, I Idaho. Write me at Preston. VBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl Hanging by a Thread IS THE REPUTATION OF A NEW PI- I IANO, OR A NEW, UNTRIED VENTURER VENTUR-ER IN THE MUSICAL WORLD SAFE AS A ROCK IS the standing of the Man, and the Music, which has stood the test of time. The HENRY F. MILLER, the BAUER, The SCHILLER, and all the makes sold by the THATCH-ER THATCH-ER MUSIC CO., have stood the test. 39 South Main St., Logan. y OUR NEW STORE. J |