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Show m The Loyan Republican iiiH Uxiak, Oacii Countt. Utah. H H Published by H MOO HE U TURNER (Lessees.) H N. RALPH MOORE .... EDITOR H FRED TURNER .... BUSINESS MGR. Off.clal Republican Organ of Cache JPPH County, Utah. IIIH Issued Tnlco-k-Wfek, Wcdnrftdar nd H gtturdtr. Kntcred October a, 1K02. iv Ltwan H Dub, is srcond-claii mailer, under Act of B Oonerewiof March 3, IS79. H Subscription, Payable In Advance H One Year 12. W 1 rlx Montlm 1 .a H Three Montlis 71 HH WEDNESDAY AM) HATUltDAY. |