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Show Reeder Family Reunion Members of the Family Met For First Time in Seventeen Years. Visitors Galore. Hmik Pauk, April 22, lUOtl There was a ery pleasant gathering last Friday afternoon at the home of Robert Uceder For the first time In fifteen years the sons and daughters of Robert and Ljdla Reeder met beneath the paternal roof. It is needless to say that It was a happv occasion to ail, especially to "Father" Reeder, who has been atlllctcd so long with a bad foot. Brother Rcedor Is now near seenty years of age, and longed onco more to meet In family reunion his children, all of whom are honorable citlens In the communities In which thev reside. Those present were Robert W. Reeder and wife, of Cardston, Canada; George I) and Martin Boeder and wives, of Hyde Park; Mrs Amanda Richards, of Farmlngton, Davis county; coun-ty; Mis. Rose Jells, of Iona, Idaho; John E. Loe and Ilattle Reeder Lee, Mr. and Mrs. James Iluiren, the latter being a sister to Brother Boeder. There were also several children of Mrs. Kllcn Reeder, together with a number of grand children. The time was spent In pleasant conversation, con-versation, and ln partaking of the bounties of the earth. It was a time long to be remembered by all present. Biother Reeder Is now able to get out on crutches, and enjoy the pleasant Mr Charles Kngland, assistant superintendent sup-erintendent of the the Cache stake Sunday schools, visited the Hyde Park school Sunday and gave some good sound advice to the teachers and pupils, and also to the parents In the afternoon Mr England was raised In H)de Park, and we are always pleased to welcome him back to his old homo Prof. L F Mocucli delivered a very Interesting discourse at the Sunday afternoon service Spoke very feelingly feel-ingly of tlie great calamity that had befallen the people of California Re-foirod Re-foirod to ptophoclcs' past and yet to come Advised all to so live that they might escape the judgments et to be poured out upon the ungodly. About a doen of our young men left josterdayfor Box E'.dcr couiuy whore they will spend sevcial weeks shearing sheep sunshine We hope that he will soon bo able to tlnow his crutches away, and enjoy good health once more. Elder Alma Reese, of Benson ward, visited the Sunday school today, and spoke a slioit time to the children. Mrs Amanda Richards left yesterday yester-day for her home in Farmlngton. Attorney George (J. Rich and wife were visitors here today. |