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Show 5 - .. , $ Just a Little Paint I 5 t fltlelil now when everything In nature Is beglnlng to look bright J and frcsli, a little paint will go a long way toward brightening up JP jP the many old things around the place Torch Chilrs and Seats, 9 J 9 Lawn-Mowers, etc., besides dozens of things Inside thchouse, which X need a little touching up. J We've paints all ready to use, for any purpose, put up In any i X size can you may wish. J Any color you may fancy; drop In and get a color card, and jfe we'll be glad to tell you more about It. A 4 Of course we have HHUSIIES to put the paint on with 10c up. 4i 1 Riter Brothers DRUG CO. Come Here jor the Watch If you're thinking of buy Ing a watch, we want you you to think of this store as the .proper place to buy it. You'll find a first-class assortment of the dlllerent grade of the best watches here, and at tho reasonable prices that aie asked for them anywhere. You should sec our Cardon special before deciding what watch to purchase Wo fully ful-ly guaranteo this movement to wholly accurate and reliable, reli-able, and believe It to be the bet value in a watch we have jet ollercd. Cardon Jewelry Company LOOAN, UTAH. H.K. Merrill, M.D. Physician and Surgeon. Office, Over First National Bank Bell Phone No. 104z. Residence, 144 South Sccor.dEast. Hell Phone 132y. Independent 130 C.V. HANSEN Painting and Paper-hanging, Wal Paper, Room Mouldings and Picture Pic-ture Framing. East of Llndquist's, the Undertaker. IA Special Bargain Sale COMMENCING FRIDAY MORNINC I APRIL 20th AT II. G. HAYBALL'S STORE A samplo line of Ladies' Muslin Underwear at one-half regular K price. A sample line of Ladles', Misses' and Children's Hosiery at ffi greatly reduced prices Best Grado Floor Linoleum, two yards wide, ffi at$100pcryaid. Best Table Oil Cloth, only 20 per jard. Carpet ffi Warp, best quality at 81. -'5 per bunch. All colors of best quality Bj Cham brasat 10 cents per yard. Fine quality Apron Ginghams, Cj plain and fancys, at 71 cents per yard. We also have the best and Cj cheapest line of Lace Curtains ever shown In tho city. It will pay K you to see them. Libbons for the neck and hair in all tho leading Jj shades, at one-half regular price. These are only a few of the many rd Itsms that will be on sale at unusually low prices. Come and be g convinced for yourselves and save money. S Basement Opening. g Our Bargain Basement Opening will take place about May1 10th. Cj We wilt carry in this department a complete line of Chlnaware, gj Crockery, Glassware Tinware, Granltcware, In fact any articlo jd necessary in the household will be found In the Bargain Basement n Wo hope to make this department one of tho leading features of " our store. Don't forget tho date, and remember tho place, at tfj HL G. Hayfcalf s J CENTER STREET ' LOGAN, UTAH g Jn i THATCHER OPRA HOUSE I I -I 1 i THURSDAY, APRIL 26. f I Jfr The Greatest Success in Dramatic History & H jjt HALL CAINR'S Powerful Plnv H 1 'The Christian" I I j! Direction of Geo. L. Haker. j Lillian Lawrence as Glory Quayle John Sainpolis as John Storm. 9 jji. And a Specially Selected New York Comyairy jfe. jH Y Production Carried Complete. r ! Prices $1.50, $J, 75c, 50c & Scat Sale Wednesday at 10 a. m. r jjH i " i I i We Offer Exceptional Advantages j To those who are Going to Buy Pianos. p i i a AND OIICAXS and all kiudsof musical Instruments. We , il a have the llnct line of pianos at our storo ever brought to , I'H j Logan, and to let us show them to you will convince you. 'l j Old organs taken in exchange on pianos. Terms If dc- v fl sired. f iH il r H it We aNo handle VICTOIt Talking Machlnesand Latest K ' Kdlson Itccords. See us before buying. fi l i I 4 I'rof. (iarrett has a studio In our store and furnishes Y M f music to those visiting us. r nl 1 m i I ' i : k i El t Hobbs Music Co,, $ i m sj NORTH MAIN ST., LOGAN, UTAH k H . , t ""Tli-aS IMi55?5iiM'iiiil ' " TH Fl yp- ForAII Live Stock ; EASY AND SAFE TO USE. Il KIIXS MCE. TICKS. FLCAS. MITES. CUItES MANGE. SCAB. H UI.NfJWOHM. SCRATCHES. ETC. DESTROYS DISEASE H GERMS AND DRIVES AWAY FLIES. H NON-IRRITATINC. EFFECTIlfE. INEXPENSIVE. M J J TWE IDEAL. DIP H X Co-op Drug Co M $hF- ASK FOR MM BOOKLET!. V ViP.i' RBlfl liiwfw!,. i i . mi..Y;.w :.:d iH Bank of Smithfield. I SMITHF1ELD, UTAH. H Paid Up Capital $20,000.00. M General Hanking business. In all Its branches H We pay 4 per cent Interest on time and Havings deposits. H Interest compounded quarterly. iH Drafts drawn on all parts of the world. H Safety deposit boxes for rent. 1 H Prompt, progressive and up-to-date. ID Wo solicit your business. Correspondence Invited. irH !E. R. Miles Jr., George Y. Smith, fl IH President. Cashier. 1 Subscribe for Logan Republican iB |