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Show Local Overflow. GOOD Industrious girls can receive employment at the Cache Knitting Works. 1 Have you done your spring house cleaning? If not don't begin until you hare seen he best stock of Vvall paper, carpets, linoleum, etc., In the city at the Logan Furniture Co. t Licenses were Issued yesterday to John S. Anderson, of this city, aged 83 years, and Mary Ann Prlday, qf Salt Lake city, 00 years of age. Boy's shirts, 35 cents and up, at Andreas Peterson's. County Clerk Larscn and his aids were busy yesterday moving into their new olllces. The metallic book cases and lilts have arrived and till a long felt need in the court house. Lost Last Thursday, a Rambler bycycle, model 5Jfl, No. 2IK81. Any person returning it to the Hell Telephone Tele-phone olllco will be reasonably rewarded. re-warded. X Mrs. Harold Lafount gave birth to a Utile girl at 12 o'clock noon yesterday. yester-day. This is the second Miss Lafount born In the Lafount family In the past l.'iO years, 'all of the other progeny pro-geny being boys. New spring line of Latl-ie's Latl-ie's Misses and Children's street hats and caps just in at Campbell's store. The friends of C. M. Harris will be glad to learn that a telegram from his brother Frank, who went to New-York New-York last week, is to the effect that C. M. Is better and will be brought home as soon as deemed advisable. Mr. Harris is sutlerlng from a nervous atliiction. Ribbons, Ribbons, new shades, spring line just in. We can save you money. This department is rapidly rapid-ly coming to the front. Ask for prices. Campbell's Camp-bell's store. Representatives of the Salvation Army corps were In Logan Sunday. In the evening they held a service at the Harris Music store corner and then In the Methodist church. At the open air service, Rev. Nnrlleet talked a few minutes and made a good plea before the assemblage of young men. Every grave should be marked with a tombstone Why have you neglected so long? In five car loads of tine stone Just received at the Cache Valley Marble & Granite Co, South Main street you ought to llnd the one you desire. Prices and work guaranteed to be satisfactory. Do It NOW. J Our shoes and oxfords for spring await your inspection. in-spection. Campbell's dependable de-pendable shoes give com fort and durability. Styles to suit everybody. Do you know that an upholsterer can take your old lounges, chairs, and furniture generally and make them new at little cost? A competent? workman work-man can, and It's a waste to pile your slightly damaged articles In the coal-house coal-house or barn. Take anything you have that needs rcparlng to the LO-GAN LO-GAN SKCOND HAND STORE and they will return It to you in the best shape possible. They guarantee all their work, and make charges that are reasonable. Give them a trial and be convinced. The shop is located on First North street Cambell & Sons Co. have just received a large consignment con-signment of Trunks, Suitcases, Suit-cases, and traveling bags especially suitable for ladies. At the Presbyterian church Sunday morning, Rev. Joslah MacClaln dwelt upon the chaiacterlstlcsof the early church, the greatest of which was that It was a praying church. He brought It clearly before the audience that praying churches are the ones that count, that a church without prayer Is without works, is dead, likewise like-wise tho Individual. If prayer is the sincere desire of the heart expressed to Him in supplication and then In works, It must be seen clearly that when prayer Is not the moylng force, there Is naught worth the while, In fact there can be movement. Rev. MacClaln Insisted that while the great christian church was born out of a prayer mecelng, this service In the church today Is the hardest to keep up. He deprecated this and cited tho necessity of close communion commun-ion with Him who is the author of all good. Rev. MacClaln's effort was a very good one. Spring line of Miller shoes for Ladies' Misses and Little Gents just in at Campbell and Sons Co. Every pair guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction. I |