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Show Fffr-: ' 1"''j"'" - r "BW,assssBBWaMBBBM H I RICHMOMD ITEMS CONTINUED.1 fl, was the principal business Mayor J. H W. Funk presided, and besides the H -councilors several Interested citizen) H were present. The result of the meet- H Ing is shown by the following bulletin H ' which was posted In the show window H of the l'coplc Mcrcantltlc .fc Creamery H Co. Saturday and which explains M "Richmond to the Rescue. H :i00,0()0 people In .San Francisco H homeless and In dlstios?. To alovlatc H suffering, supplies ate being rushed to H them. A car of Hour and milk will be B loaded at the station here on Monday M The following contributions havo B been made. Others arc needed and will be appreciated V Itlchmond city and I Mali Condensed B Milk Co. each $100, c'liiplojc of I'tah M Condensed Milk Co 1 10, II. S. Stone, M Excelsior Lumber Co eacli 10; .1. W. H Funk, S. W. Hendricks, S. It Evans, H II. T. Kubota, V. 1. Stod.lard, .1. J. H Shepard, each M:.l. C ChrlstolTersrn H $3: J. II. Knowlcs, A A. Thomas and H J. W. Morton each 2.r.); Miss Clark and flco. Andeisou each 2; C. V. M Chilstcnsen, Miss Noble, Mrs. Ash- H ment, Carl Sanders, Kd. Webb, .1. I' BS Jolinsou, .1. C Johnson, L. E. Larsen, H each $1, .1. L. ilurnhan C. A. Larsen, M Win. Woodland, II. L Peart one half Vj day labor each; Klchmond Co-op 1,000 H lbs Hour; l M. &C. Co 1,000 lbs Hour, H Cache Valley Milling Co. 1,000 lbs H Hour, !'. (!. Robinson, Newell llullcn, H T. II. Merrill, .1 W. Hendricks, W. S. H Hendricks, II. A. Hendricks each fioo H lbs Hour, Ncphl Nelson 2f0 lbs Hour, H, 1'. N. Nelson, Alma Hendricks, Joseph Hj and Lcandcr Peart each 200 lbs Hour, M W. L. Skldmore :i00 lbs Hour, Fred B Smith, John Dobsou each 100 lbs Hour, H J. F. Ilullen ;()Mbs Hour H To Boost Richmond. H Klchmond, by her business men, has j decided to wake up and work unitedly j , for the best lutcrcrls and advance- H ment of our city. To this end ten In- j tcrcstcd workers representing ten J business houses here met In thu court H house Monday evening and cITccted an H j organization. S.' W. Hendricks was H selected chairman and A A. Thomas H' secretary of the meeting. Committees H arc to be appointed to draft by-laws, H determine the scope of the work to be BBVJ taken up and llml a suitable name for H the organization. The next meeting H wl'.l be held In the court; house Mou- H day evening, April :toth, rt p. in., at H , which time the committee mentioned l1 above will lepoit. A cordial luvlta- H tlon Is extended to all who are Inter- H cstcd In the advancement and pio- BVj gross of the city to be present. M Need More Milk. H The Utah Condensed Milk company H , shipped between last Wednesday and H j Monday live cars of Sego cream to Los, J Angeles and Sacramento, most of H which was for use In San Francisco H The company Is now condensing about M 20,000 pounds of milk daily and could H I handle double this quantity for con- H deuslng could they but get It. H Jns. II. Knowles and wife were In Logan Friday to attend a birthday H party given In honor of Mr. Kuowles's H mother's 48th birthday. As noted in our last writing the caso of Mllo Andrews vs S. W. Ilen-i drlcks came up for trial In Justice! Hill's court last Tuesday evening in i the court house Several witnesses' were examined but the testimony presented was of such a conlllctiugj natuic that the Justice dismissed the case, clearing Mr. Hendricks of all, charges made against him. Gladys, the llve-and-ahatf-year-old (laughter of J. SV. Morton, the Hell t Telephone Co s manager here, under-. went an operation on the mastoid i glands in one of the hospitals in Logan I last week. Forty minutes was re-j quired to perform the wotk. The little one Is resting well and getting along nicely at this time. The Richmond Athletic Club, proved Its superiority oer tlieSmith-i Held club again Saturday last as the lollowlng scores will show: llascball game Klchmond 2.": Smllhlleld 17. Basketball game Klchmond, 15, Smlthtleld. s .Junior team, baseball game Klchmond, 8. Smllhlleld, o. Our butchets are taking turns in having runawajs. Cnrlstcnsen Bios, had theirs last week but did not faic as well as did their oompetltor, Knowles, the week before However, no one was. hurt, but their wagon needed several repairs K. C. Nelson returned last week from Sugar City suillcicntly convinced that that is the place for him, consequently conse-quently he will take his wife and family and household goods by team to Sugar City, leaving here, If possible, pos-sible, Tuesday noon. Mis. Minnie L. Snow and Mrs. Grace Folland, both of Salt Lake, and members of the Primary Hoard, were guests of Chloe Iluruhain Saturday. The ladles came up from the city to attend the Primary conference In Lcwiston Sunday. With tegard to sale of the tithing property near the depot, but three bids were received and those were quite low considering the condition of the property. It has not been announced an-nounced as yet who the successful bidder Is. Mrs. Maiy VanNoy, wife of the bishop at Kiverdale, who has been seriously ill with typhoid fever at her mother's place here, is now out of danger and improving. Sarah Merrill, llrst wire of the late Apostle Merrill, has been very ill; so is Mrs. Koi ert Webb, but both are on the improve at tills writing. The Hell Telephone poles here are showing up line under the regulation white and black coat of paint they have Just received. Miss Hoynton, daughter of the late Doclory Hoynton, of Smlthtleld, is nursing a case here. A line sou was born to George K. and Maud Hair at. :i:."io p m. Tuesday. A little girl was born to Herbert Coley and wife last week. |