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Show H Fine Testimonial H Salt Lake city Utah, April l.'l, UKM. M Hkwlktt KitosCo., City. H j ' ' Gentlemen 1 have received from M tj the state chemist, Herman Harms, M ( i', copies of the result of his Hudlngs In M the analyses or the following food pro- H ' , ducts manufactured by your linn. B "Three Crown ColTee." M "Three down Kaking Power." H "Thtee Crown Kxtiacts." H "Three Crown Spices." H "Golden Grain Cereal Colleo." B I am pleased to advise you that fBf these analyses hae demonstrated HBb that the goods specillcd arc strictly H high grade, absolutely pure, and meet H with all of thu requirements of the H Utah Pure Food law. Bj Upon this excellent showing, 1 am H . y. pleased to give authority to use the H ' olllclal label of the Manufactures and H Merchants Association of Utah upon H ; . the lines specillcd and to recommend these goods as being worthy of I lie consumeis patronage. Yours eiy truly, (Signed) GounoN II. 1'lai-k, Manager, Manufacturers and Merchants As soclatton or Utah. |