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Show HYRUM 2ND WARD CONFERENCE Hyuum, April 23, 1!0U. The annual conference of the Second" ward was held yesterday In their beautiful new meeting house, which was crowded by people from all three wards both at the afternoon and evening sessions. The following stake officers were present: pre-sent: James Unsworth, P. O. Hansen, Han-sen, C. C. Shaw, A. A. Allen and John W. Jensen, stake clerk. . After tho usual opening exciclses Klilcr J. Unsworth made some opening open-ing remarks of a general character, after which Hlshop A. A. Allen reported re-ported the condition of the ward generally, the same being of a veiy favorable nature, the bishopric being united and with them everv member of the ward labored mutually for the genera! welfare of all, a condition which was test! tied to by the bishop's counselors and others. At the organization organ-ization of this ward it was supposed to be composed of the poorest part of the citizens of llyrum, whose duly, alike to the other two wards, was to build their own meeting house, but brother Allen with his faithful crowd of people were equal to the task and a beautiful and commodious house of worship was dedicated about fifteen months ago, due to wlso leadership and merited confidence. Tho ward Is entirely out of debt. At tho evening session Prof. Miller, of the L. I). S. University, gave a lecture on ''Character Building" to a very attentive audience. The ward choir, under the direction of Kldcr Charles A. Nielsen, was complimented com-plimented for their services by the visiting oillcers. Klder William A. Williams, being the previous leader of the above mentioned choir, but having removed Into the First ward, It became necessary to till the vacancy as stated. In response to a call of Major S. Hansen a meeting of citizens convened con-vened last Saturday evening for the purpose of taking steps towards soliciting solic-iting contributions from tho citizens In behalf of the San Francisco sufferers. suf-ferers. A committee consisting of Mayor Hansen, Pres. Parkinson, C. F. Olsen and A. A. Allen Jr. was elected, tho effect of which is that people arc bringing In their contributions, now to the tithing otllcc from where it wlil be forwarded to Its destination. Last week Supervisor Daly had tho levelersout In full force, much to the delight of the travelers. Prof. Miller Is visiting nur day schools today. |