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Show ; Want Column Wanted- -filr 1 for general housework apply "F" this ofllce. wc Some good residences In Smithflcld for sale by James Mllligan. wc lstclass upholstcrlng.Logan 2nd hand storcjwork guarnteed; prices to satisfy For rent -Houso with four or seven rooms, with kitchen and cellar, '-"it south 2nd Kast. wc For Sale Twenty acres good land one half mile south of sugar factory. A bargain. V. T. Ilrown. wc First class sand delivered to any part of town. V. T. Ilrown, Ind-'Phone Ind-'Phone 221. wc SAND For building and cement work, for sale, O.C. Hluemcl, II. phone :17!).. v, c For Sale -HO horse power engine In good condition Walker Si Wright, Utah Marble Works, Logan. wc For Kent Roberts building now occupied oc-cupied by Union Knitting Mills Co. or Dry tioods and Millinery store, wc Highest price paid for bottles at Cacho Valley Tea and Soda Water Co.'s, First North street. wc Thoroughbred Wyandotto and Leg horn eggs and chickens for sale, A Koller, 11. F. D -II. $1.00 a setting of 15 eegs. wc For Sale Ciood city property, cither large or small lots. Inquire J. T. II. Uarkcr. corner of :ird Kast and Second South. wc WK WANT to Loan Money, sell Farms and City Property and wrlto your Insurances, Cache Valley Real .Estate Loan & Insurance Agency, J. 'A. Stewart, Mauagcr. wc Salksman Wanted for our protection protec-tion for men aud women, as we are Just, entering Utah and Registered with tho State Department of Insurance. Insur-ance. S1000 policy pays $7.50 weekly with $1000 emergency benefit, costs $2 a year. Handsome black seal wallet given free with each policy, excellent side line. Write today for exclusive and renewal contract, liberal commission. commis-sion. The Guarantee Registry Co., Cleveland, O. wo This Is a paid advertisement sent out by the F. J. Cheney Medicine Co. $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able so cure In all Its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's,Catarrh Cure Is the only posLlve cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting act-ing directly upon the blood and mucous mu-cous surfaces of tho system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, dis-ease, and giving the patient stiength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in Its curative powers that they oiler one hundred dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. testi-monials. Address: F J.Chknky & Co.,Toledo, O" Sold by Druggists, 75o Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Sale of Delinquent Stock ! The West-Cache Irrigation Co., principal place of business, Trenton, Cache county, Utah. There arc delinquent on the following described stock on account of asses-ment asses-ment levied on March 10th, 1000, the several amounts set opposite the names of the respective shareholders as follows: Name No. certificate No. Shares Amt M.W.Butler, l).V124,-170,-171,-104,-239,-277105,.2Ul 431 $129 30 J. W. Bench 321 37 112 Ollf Cronqulst 330 27.0 8 28 A.B.Cheney (OMLO) 294,-342 7.3 2 21 Nephl Chrlstensen 200.-310 0.5 '190 JamesFrow 224,-254 121.2 34 38 J. E. Fucll 494 4.5 1 39 Alvln Hawkcs 308 27.0 8 31 I (,. Tj) (I. J;) (A. M. F.)14,-304,- 469... ) Jacob .lorgcnscn. (U M LC) 211,-281,-20S, M40.3 447 90 209.-210. ) Joseph C. Jorgenscn (U M L C) O.I,-222,.2(i7,-4o.'j 170.8 53 04 Joseph E. Winn 420 13.3.... 4 02 George Bench 460 1.5 45 Ben Hansen 43.1 1.7. ... 54 Samuel D. Jensen 439 10.9. ... 3 30. Wm. P. Hansen 434 75 2 25 Ernest Jensen 408 7 24 Marlnus Petersen 440 1.5 48 Harris Stephenson 409 1.2 129 AbeSmlth 493 21.2 0 30 Newton Woodrulf ISO 5 8 174 And In accordance with law and an order of the Hoard of Directors of said company made on the 10th day of March, 190(1, so many shaies or each piece of said slock as may be necessary, will be sold at the resilience of Parley Merrill at Tjcnton, Cache county, Utah, on the 12th dav of May. won, at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. of said day, to pay the delinquent assessment thereon together with the cost of advertising and expense of sale. T. N. Judaii, u Secretary and treasurer of the West-Cache Irrigation company. Ofllce at Trenton, Cache county, Utah. Sunshine at Last And with It House-cleaning and gardening. gar-dening. What do you need In our line? Here are a few prices of season- goods: Large scrubbing brushes from 10c, 21b house brooms from 25c, store, shoe and whitewash bushes from 15c, paint brushes from 5c, carpet tacks 500 for 5c brass head tacks 100 for 5c, galvanized palls, 20, 25, and 30c, tin pails from 15c, galvanized tubs 65, 05 and 75c,No. 8 boilers, galvanized or copper bottom $1 tin pint cups 2 for 5c, quart, 5c, hoes and rakes from 25c, shovels from 50c, manure forks from 55c, pruning shears, saws, sprinkling cans, spray ; pumps, picks, grub-hoes, crow bars, wheelbarrows, tools, and hardware of every description. Tho quality Is good and the prices is right. R. LaFount & Co,, 38 W. Center St., Logau. Re-Opened Farmers Feed Stable at Card's Mill South Main Street, teams feed at reasonable price, also good horses bought and sold here. N. A. Williamson, Mgr. Cache Valley Marble and Granite Co. Mantif actatets of h MARBLE AND GRANITE f MONUMENTS W AND FINE HEADSTONES Mil first-Class Work Guaranteed. K I Our Prices are Reasonable, Jl-a 'jjjjfr I 175 SOUTH MAIN ST., LOGAN, UTAH WE INVITO YOU TO MAKE AN INSPECTION. ' Y ' '' |