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Show Tragic Result of a Kiss. At lline.s a kiss bus lieett the preluilo to a trnRlc .sequel, us wits that be-RtovM-d hi 1718 by Trine" Ferdinand of Davarln upon l'rlncesn Tliyrn. the nenr relation of a ruler of a nulghtio- nR state, where ho was on 11 visit. his affectionate greeting, u heedless iru of the moment, wiih Klven tind thu very eyes of thf princess' lie .iiithed, who, naturally taking umbrage, soundly sound-ly rated the thoughtless luince. Words came to blows, which resulted In a duel being arranged, and diplomatic relations hot ween tho tuo states were broken off. In the war that followed, although hostilities lasted but six weeks, over n thousand lives wore sue-rltlced. |