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Show H BUY YOUR FURNITURE SPANDE 1 Furniture Co. H and j on tind thai It Is H bouKlil. Hack of the Stylish 1 appearance anil Superior llnlsli that mark every piece in our H Tremendous Stock, Is the high H QUALITY fl that comes from honest moth- ods and careful supervision. H We have Just received a large H shipment of M Carpets among them u consignment of H the famous CO LUM HI A IIIM7S- H SELS, which can not be stir- 1 passed for beautj and durabll- ily. Also a huge shipment of the old reliable H HAYWOOD BABY CARRIAGES. Our prices will suit ou. H Spantlc Furniture Co. H Sidney Stevens B'ldg. H What an Easy Action H the Estey piano has' The "action lias B . more to do with tnmil quality limn j the case or keyboard. You'll Mini our B Instruments wkkJ all the way through. H ' I They stand on their merits We stand BHH ' i ' behind them H i Harris Music Co. PPJ . ! Estey and Newman Dealers BhHh ' I Yes; We Have a Telephone. H What's more we pay attention to It, H I and orders for any quantity or sle of PH coal arc tilled promptly with top grade, P easily-burning coal. (Had to have you PPJ call, of eouise, but the 'phono will PPJ bring quick response. I M. & L. COAL & WOOD CO H I M Both 'Phones - - No. 74 J H i! Logan Lumber Yard. P i i J E. L. Johnson, Proprietor. M ' I All kinds of building material on PP hand. Shop work done on short notice. PP I All kinds of planing done. H 157 West 5th South, Hell 'Phone 141 J .. i... .1. .in i.... in i , .... i-.,M I E. J. MERRILL Hj i Osteopath. H ' ' Rooms Over Rochu.ile Store Of jHj lice hours 0 to 12 a.m. and 1 to 5 pm. H ji , H , Kodol Dyspepsiu Curo H DlgMU what yeu eat. Ia Chicago Meat Market Is the place to go for all kinds of Family Meats. Highest cash price paid for all kinds of hides. HOPKINS AND ROBERTS COAL Plenty of V. P and Uock Spiing coal on hand $.1 for 2,000 lbs delivered, de-livered, or $4.50 at the scales. Very special rate on car loads. We furnish any coal deslied. 1st S. and nth W. Cash on delivery. 1 Satisfaction vn M.FOLGER Sold on Merit I No Prizes No Coupons No Crockery J. A. FOLGER & CO. I Established 1050 SAM rTA?.'CISCO 3 i him i iii w 1 1 ii i :szzzjmmmma Best Ltmber ', i The Preston Lumber Gompany i Carries only the best and we ate not afraid of competltoi-, In elthei Quality or Prices. All our lumber is sawed from the best tlmlii obtainable and a carpenter car-penter who is any kind of a Judge will lead Ily admit that the lumber lum-ber we oiler is superior to that sold elsewhere at anything like the price per foot. When jou want good lumber, come heie. V Preston Lumber Co., JOSEPH BELKNAP, Manager. One-half Block west of First National Hank, Preston, Idaho. aSfjiyRlOGMNrjE BIDSHAKDEWESTtg, j The Scenic Line I To Glcnwood Springs, Aspen, Leadvllle, Pueblo, Colorado Springs 1 Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, and all points Q East. Connecting at Ogden Union Depot with all SouthernPa- 9 cillc n I )!,'! 10 t L ii '.rii'U. " IVi" only Transcontlnon Line passing directly through Salt Lake City Q 3 Splendidly Equipped Trains between fc I OODEN AND DENVER " .i J , Via Three Separate and Distinct Scenic Itoutes 8 THROUGH PULLMAN and ORDINARY SLEEPING CAR To Denver. Omaha, Kansas City. St Louis and Chicago vvithou change. Free Reclining Chair Cats Persorally Conducted Ex- 9 curslons. DINING CARS. Service a la Cartoon all through trains. 0 For rates, folders, free Illustrated booklets, etc. Inquire of your I nearest ticket agent, specifying the Rio d ramie route, or address I C. BENTON, G P A D, Salt Lake Ctty I THERE IS NO QUININE IN ITl One of tho Reasons Why I BROMO LAV CONTAINS NO QUININE w I , ??s j?e50me so Popular. It Cures Colds and Stops Headaches I Quickly, Safely Leaving no Bad After-Effects like I y QUININE PREPARATIONS I 9 In the Orange Colored Box. All Drug Stores 25 cents. Or by Mail. I HROMO CHEMICAL CO., CHICAGO. I . Sold and Guaranteed by Riter Bros. Drug Co. |