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Show Mendon City's Melange Man Suffers From Bad Accident, People Enjoy En-joy Themselves. AH The Other News. Mkkdon, April IS, Knhi Arbor daj passed (julcntly lierc, all the stores and meat markets wore closed James Hulst was b.idly, but not. dangerously burnt, at (liens Fciry, where he lias been working'. He was sent to the L. D. S. hospital In Salt Lake As soon as hlsmothei leeelved word of the dreadful accident she went to Salt Lake and will remain with him untlll she cm bilnK him back home 1 1 1 1 her The Independent I'honc Co has Its line connected now. We have ten Bell and four Independent phones In town. Those who have the Indepvud ent are Mrs Helen Walkei, Harlow Bassett, Moriifon Bird and William Bartlett. Mrs. .loscph Baker I1.1-. returned home. She has boon at HiiiKliam nearly two months waiting on her daughter, Mrs. fair Is Jones, who has a little boy. Mrs .lones accompanied jt$ her mother home. """" Lester Hendrlcksen has moved to Mendon from Colllnston to make it Mis futuroliome. He has rented David Mulr's residence. Mrs. Maggie Johnson, of Vomlng, vravebluh to a little girl Monday. Mother and bibe doing line. Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Foster, of Salt Lake are lslting with Mrs. Maria Richards MNs Aitemosia Richards has gone to Salt Lake to stay during the sum. met. Geoige Sanders, of Salt Lake, Is visiting with lelatlvesand friends. Win, Garrett, of Wellsville, was In town todaj bujing beef cattle. Grandma Larson remains about the simc. |