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Show Obituary. I)iei, Aug. 10th 18HI, in I.ehl city, of diphtheria I.ucy Ann, thu beloved daughter dau-ghter of ltobert, and I.ucy l'ox, aged CI jcura. Oooil bye sweet darling, I.ucy, good lye just for awhile, We know ycu'ro inn land of bliss, wheie never is found guile, Your journey true, is long iinddreat, hut at the end jour hobble, Will meet ou with nllictiou's kist,tour brother darling Kobbie, When in our blissful talk of earth, oii speak of fathers, mothers, I'le.ise don't forget to kindlv speak, of jour sisters and jour brothers, Wo mis', how we miss ton, in our circles day and night. There's left n breach, we cannot fill, though wu uso our every might. I'lcaeo toll Kobbie, when jolt meet him, We are trjing night mid day, To lite (-0 wc can meet him At tho Kesuitction day, Tell him that wo bow with leterencc, To tho hand that led jou heme, That we know if wc aro faithful, Wo slinll reap sweet rccoin pence, That wo slinll meet jou, us on earth, Your lifo was pttro us snow ; Gud giant jou carry all such germs, Wherever you may go. J. G. |