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Show MEN WCLL-KNOWN. Tiik prlnco of Wale' life Is Insurci. for N-TO.OOU Cot st ll'AntiAZ, the I'reurli consul nt New York, had 11 neat llllic s.i.nry of til o'J'j uyear. 1 1 1 nit ro over ton iiiilei of pneu-initie pneu-initie t il'lnfflli Wnnnniak.-r'j Phlladel-phit Phlladel-phit -U 11 ctuqutrtng ninety horao power III ll'K into It. liniii of Henry Irving's sons liavo d tniit, Ij decided to go upon tho bIuu 'Hi un-'er, Ljtvrenoo, had originally hit ndi il lo enter the diplomatic bervico A J Dkf.XRI. bends the 1: .1 of Phlla-d Phlla-d lp'ii.i rich men with tM.mo.OOO. Tho titvhii one liuiidred and sixty million- I inn . whom.' toluliiuldlugn foot up over 8IUO.(hiO,OOU. O ( All Wil.nr. recently startled so-eii so-eii ty by dancing nt 11 prlvnlo reception liUircd in a long brntvu coat, fantas-Ucally fantas-Ucally faohloucd, it hellotreio necktie, nml yallntv enrnatlouH in IiIh buttonhole. button-hole. A New liNor,Ani) man lithe, lugid ml-vlscr ml-vlscr of tho mikado nf .Inpatt. His nnmn Is Ilonry V. Denlson, and ho formerly resided In New Hampshire, though for twenty yearn or inoiu his homo him liern In Jnpau, llnv 1)11. Ilm.ri;ii:iii(il!, who foil dead in the PrenliytPi Inn poner.il assembly ul Detroit, Vm! tuo.ouo iiisiiraucu on his life. Ills pollev expired the day Is?-fore Is?-fore his dentil nud ho renew cd It by ti'lcmipli. |