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Show Alpine Notes. Somk of our voting people nro attending attend-ing "Teacher Institute at Am. Folk. Mr. F. C. C-Miik nnd .Mr. David McDaniel nude 11 htisluess trip tu Silt bake, Monday. SoMi of our peildlcrs arc taking fruit into the citv thio week. Ayiealdealof thofiuit was blown oil last Thursday night hi n teiiillle wind. Mas. In WiiiuiiTof Nephi, is visiting blends mid iidatlvea. She luttiius Thursday. Mb. W ().VAM.t. mid S. IiJIkown in. lend going a way tlio first of next week to at tend to school nllaira. Mi. Vonce takes up his 1 ibors its school teacher in lliigliaui city. Mr. Hrown will attend tlio Ii. V. Academy. Tiik town was visited Monday by some old iron buyers. The men hulled awav 11 few hides nml pelts. lana day somo person is in tho mountains hunting fur cowMnml calvoj, The feed is llrst class tin's jenr. Alpine, Aug. 11!, 18U0. |