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Show "WAS IT SUICIDE?" Why marriage is sometimes n failnro is nn interesting mid Important question to all; nutluverjone, niiirrietl or single, should rentl Hie nbsoibing story witli the the above title, by tho jioct-iiovelist Flln Wheeler Wilcox, written in that IHipular nuthor'H most forcible style, which Is published in the September mimhci of thnt nlwnjs bright periodica! DEMuitLsr's Fvmii.v Maiivim.. It contains, con-tains, besides, nu abunibimo of other good rending mutter, just the sort that one en joj ant this season. Thcio is n splendid article, fullv illustrated, about "Brazil." "A Poet nt Home" tells aliont 1)11.1 Wheeler Wilcox nnd her lovely home, nml with it nro piituies of "the poet's lornei" nnd poitinits of her In homo o( he 1 noted glow ns; whether jou etcrenjojed lliatraio sport moose-hunt iug or not, jou will bo interested in "A Stray Shot nt 11 .Moose," written by tlio fortunate nmntcur sportsman who biought down his gaino at tho Jlrst shot, which is also finely illustrated; "A Seven Dnvs' Tramp and Wbnt it Cost" dcEcrsbcsn " tramp" made by eight girls nnd 11 chaperon, and tho chapeion tells the story, then there nro btories mid poems nml tho vnrioiu ilcpaitmenta nre replete with useful mil uniujing matter, uiid tlieio arunciulv 1!03 illustrations, besides 11 beautiful walei coloi, " Play ball, Pa '"which appeals to every admirer tlthotceuf baseball. And this ii oulj n fall simple of what 0110 gits inoiitlilv lu this ideal Family Magazine, which is published for $1! n year, by W. Jenkimis llKuoiii.sr, 15 Dast Htli St., New York-City. |