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Show I UNFAMILlAn QEM3. Oreen nnrm.ta, lleryl, RiiiLStones, Clirya-olltca Clirya-olltca nud Olber I'reclous Atones, Tlio list of precious stones with which wo aro familiar is after nil n ory small ono, snysawrilor in the Kan Francisco Chronicle, embracing simply tho diamond, emerald, sapphire, ruby, opal, topat, carbuncle, nmcthyst and pearl. This, howoxer, Is u very small partof tho actual Hat, Headers of tho lliblowtll, of course, remember thnt two lists of precious stones nro given In Unit bonk, 'lbo llrsl Is given In tho description descrip-tion uf tbo Jewish high priest's breastplate, tin I Is us follows: "And thou shalt act It (tho breastplato) in setting of stones, four rows of stones; a rowrf anrdlus, tnM nnd carbiinclo shall Iwlho llrstmw; mid tlio second row an e.nerald, a mppldio nnd n tiianiond; and thn third row n Jaelmli, nn again and nn amethyst; and tho fourth row n beryl and nu out x and n Jasper." Tho i or. .ml list Is given In tha descrlitlon of thn Now Jerusalem i l'liu foundations of tho walls of tho city woiaudornod with nil manner of precious stones Tho III at foundation was Jas;or, lbo m.i mid sapphire, tho third chalcedony, tlio foni tin mei uld, the lltlli sardonyx, the tdxtlisuidluB, tho srnlli chrysolite, tho eighth Ih-ivI, tun idnth topnr, tho tenth ohiyHopraso, tbo eleventh Jacinth, the twelfth amethyst, nud tho twelvo gates woro twelve n'iirls." In these two lists thero nro six stones, tho wireline, chalcedony, chrysolite, bervl. lirymipritso mid jnt-iuth, that may bo calico unknown, nud two, tho Jasper nnd ear don t x, w hi. Ii wo nro not accustomed to put in lists of gems Iloforo going nny further It will bo Inter-osllugtn Inter-osllugtn llnd out something nbout thoun-iwd thoun-iwd hiilfdoaen, und this, It will bo found, ran lmii.mirntlsely dono by first consld erlng thn chalcedony, which is tho mother titono of a largo family. Chalcedony Is n seiul Irnnaimroiit kind of qunrtz, np-pnieiilly np-pnieiilly pnidurrd by tbo lntlltrntlon of wider holding sillelous matters In solution Tlio iibiuo is Hint of llio locality, Chnlccdon, In Asia Minor, whero It Is said to havo been originally found. Chalcedony, In soma of Its ninny varieties, is found In Tusenny, Iceland, tho Faroe Islands, Hnxony, Hungary, Hun-gary, hull. i, Arabia, Hurinnm, Hibcria, Cornwall. Hi-otland. thn (Hants' Pnn.eivnv and III L'alifoiuia, near Vullejo. Ilcuutlfu) , chiilroilonio lobbies may ho picked upon somo of tbo southern English benches, nt I'OMondrro, lu California, und nt I.nko Tahoo ClialiTjdony is Usually milk while, but It as suinoa n number of colors nnd markings When ltls of ii light red or yellow color It Is culled cnincllun, becnuso of Its flesh color Curnellau was lormcrly much usecl for beads and seal stones, but now It Is seldom sel-dom seen us an ornament except In tho shapoof cheap rings sold nt country fairs. When It Is uf it deep brown ills called sardius,or surd; when It shows alternating alternat-ing parallel bands of different colors with out nny pronounced contrnst It Is called onyx; und when thoso layers nro of very ihirk H.lrd und nearly opnquo white chnico-dony chnico-dony It Is called sardonyx, a stone that was nnd is still hold lu great esteem for cngrav lng lulu cameos, Lastly, Hint, horti-stono and plasma aro nil baser forms of this Rama chalcedony. Though so closely nllko In namo tha beryl und chrysoberyl havo llttlo clso I u common. Tbo beryl It a varloly of tho emerald, and Is found In six-sided prisms of varliibledimen Blons Tho colors uro generally bluo or yollow, but some nro colorless. Whan of clear tints or Hen-green or sky-bluo thoy nro culled by tho jowelcra aqua-marines, lleryl crystals aro found In New Hampshire and Massachusetts, China, llrazil, Siberia, Cornwall, Ireland nnd Kcotlaud, tho Irish Bjiecimens being of it fluo bluo color and sometimes ipiltn transparent. Tho chrysoberyl Is found lu small rounded masses nbout tho fdio of u pen, which on being cut show lurlous tints of greenish t,cllow, with clear, translucent and very haul body. Homulluics thoy show n bluish niKiletKcm-o Internally. Tho finer chryso-berj chryso-berj la mo equal in ajqiearanco to tho yellow diamond. They nro found in Ireland, Ilrxull and Coylon. , Tho chrysolito, llko tho chalcedouy, Is n Blllcalo. It Is raroly found lu crystals, but fcencr.illv fu angular pieces, of greenish or golden yellow color, embedded lu basalt or lava Tho principal localities nro Vcsut lua und the Isloof llourbon, In lava; Ileal del Moulo In Mexico, Upper Egypt, Constniitl iioplc, nnd In palogiocn trnnspnient crjs tills nmong tho wind of n stream In Auvergnn lum lor vurletlos of tho chrysolito chryso-lito ui o ralli d olivines, mid nro found hi the basalt of tho (Haul's Cuusowuy, tho lavas uf llnkel, ou tho Ilhlno, nud thosu of tho Kiindwlrli Islands. It Is sometimes found, too, lu meteoric ntonos. Jin In tit Is only .mother namo for hyacinth, and Hie Imicmth is u nrloty of another Hillcnlo called ilieoii, found InCcjlon, Noi way, somo nf ho isluudn of Scotland and . icitalu Irish otronius. Zlioon occurs in . rrystnls, geneuilly square, four-sldeil prisms lenuhmlod by four-sided pyramids, nud iilso lu grains, nnmetlmes white, but moio frecpteiilly ra, yellow, giecn or I gray Thocoloiloss or slightly smoky kinds are culled Jurgnou; tho blight red hyacinth and tho gray mil or biowulsh zlrcoulto, I Another proclous ellicnto Is tho moro por-I por-I feet form of schorl callo.1 tourmullno. Tho I rod tourm.ilino or lubellllo, which Is i biimgbl fiuiii lltnzll, Ceylon, Avar ond Hilierln, piwseaspsconsldernblo boauly. The tnuisiHroutcoloicd urlollesarosometimos I still cut into ring stonen, etc., nnd when lediicedtothniBlicesnro much valued for I making experiments lu tho polarization ol i light. ' Tho list of precious silicates in not vol exhausted. ex-hausted. Thero is, for Instance, that known usjaspor. I Ms found lu various colors-siKittcd, colors-siKittcd, banded or variegated. It takes a lino pi llali. and tho vai lety nnd richness ol its colors lender it still useful In tho oma mental bits Allied to this b. tho bluod i stone, a jusprry nriety of quartz, of a dai k ' groi n culm , aneguted wltli reel spots, and was onco finite a fashionaUlo material for seals and I nig stoues. When tho spots in i yollow, Instead uf rod, this btouo is culled the hollntioiMi. Btill niiolhcr sillcato thai tkoi raulc hiihuik tho precious stones ia I tho lapis IimiiII or laiulilo. It Is of n bcnull fill color, oin n aiurklod withy ellow grains unci Is stilt iiiailo use of In moaiiio nud Inlaid win k, us well as lor making vases and othct costly oruumculs. giutrit. except where it contains rich I gold depobits, u not generally considered n previous oue, but thru) is n variety i ilh . I thorotrqiiuiw, wide Ii coilnlnlv coiiipbuh liertli.iilieail. It Is uf a beautiful rosorro j or pink color, and neaiiy trauspaicnt Hit found lu Ci. i luii and Havana, nnd Is oflci sold for uiiiiliuioicpicciutia stones Adu ' larlu, or felspui, hhewlao Is nut of mutt value, but that rraplrndeut variety fount, luKlbcilaundNotwuy of n palo jelluitisl color and oalli'd the euustuni. U certainly t I Joivid among Btoiui. Tkoplav of color one i Bold suusloiie N simply beaull'ul. Tliero nro soorea of otbor prtioun stonej l that mo not found hi tho oveiy-day list, but this urtlulo must bo brought to u closo will the stutoiuent tli.il the red garnets so com moBly seon nro hut ono of Vi rv ujany vauo ties, which luciudo tho oiunumuii biuiu of a orango-yollow, tho wutcr garnet, whl h Ii oolor ess; the grout:, w.-.ich Is olivo,au the black. |