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Show RCMARKS DY LITTLE TOTS. "On, mamma!" exclaimed lltllo Mnlille, ni a hrlglit-whigcd Insect paused tlio door, "hero goes n lluttcr-list" I.lTtl.K Dot "I'apa, I mus' havo a new dwess to piny In." l'niiii "Wlml Is tho matter with that one?" I.lttlo Dot "Ifrs nil worn out 'ccpt th button holes." Mamia "Why, what nlli you, Chnillo?" Charlie "Oil! oh! I'd Just nllcf tint taek'tl wnlk on inn, lint It hurts when thov sit down." Demorcbt's Monthly. KniritATivE Zooloov. I.lttlo Harold for tins llrst llmo av n. tamo rnliblt, twitching Iti lip ns 11 munched n cab-bago cab-bago leaf. "Oil, look, mamma!' ho cried ''Tho rabbit's winking at me with Its iioms." Kato IToldV Wushlng-ton. Wushlng-ton. I'l.ossK Is n llttlo ghl wliosn Idem of creation :iro yet crude, but alio Is wry curious. "Is all at us mado out of dust, inauimn?" she asked, tho other day ' Yes, ITosslo." "I.lttlo babies, too?" 'Yc " ITosslo was klletit for a moment ' .Mainuui," she snld, "Heaven aiu.t bo a drellul dusty place " |