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Show BRICK MAKING. Messrs Salzncr & Gray Stntt a Much Needed Industry. Wo nolo witli pleasure tho starting ol a new Industry In our midst, by two of bchi's energetic young men Wo refer re-fer to tho brick 11nl which Messrs Sab tier A. Clraynrestnrllngnt the Junction Tlieso young men nftcr seriously thinking think-ing over the subject concluded to go into in-to lho business, lliey went to Salt Lnke, visited the yards there mid nftcr looking at tlio various machines, they found one that stilted their purpose. Mr. Oco. A. I.owo was given tlio order nnd a machine was soon on tho rond, tirrhing hero two weeks ago. A yard was immediately selected, tho machine set In position nnd they commenced turning out biick tills week. It is n wet press inncliino nnd the owners arc conlldent that they can turn out 11 brick Hint cannot be equalled In Utah county for density nnd weight. The machine has a capacity of 20,000 bricks per day nnd will employ twenty men. This Is something that Lehi has wanted want-ed for a long time, for if nnjono wanted to build n good stilstnutint house they liad to send oir for tlio brick. Tlio old stjle ndobe liouo is getting out of dnto and nro bound to bo supplanted by handsome brlek stiuctures. Tho citizens of Lclii Blioiild be proud to know that we Imvo voting men in our midst who me ambitious enough to stnrt such industries which will not only benefit themselves but thu wliolo northern end of Utnli County. 'litis is n j ear when n great many pub lie nnd privato buildings nro being erect ed nml wo hopo thnt thoto interested will give tho bov s n cnll Isjforu making arrangements olscwlicrc. You can't airord lo build mi ndobio house when jou inn buy 11 llrst class quality of brick in vour own (own. I!y all means in-courage in-courage homo industry mid build up jour own town. Tiik II vNNhn joins with many otlicis in wishing them success. |