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Show For Over Fifty Years. An old uihl uelUilal Kruicily, Mm. Wiimlow'H Soothing Byrim lint hecn itHeil for o.er fifty yearn by millions ol liiothcm (or their children uhilo IclUi-jng, IclUi-jng, ullli perfect siu'ccbu. It hooHich Hid child, softens tho ntus, allays nil pull), I'tirea winil colic, and it tho best ii'iuedy (or Dinrrhn-n. Is pleasant to . tho tnsto. Bold liy Drugglatn in every part o( tho world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its vnluo in inctilculublc. To sure anil ask for Mrt. Wlnalow'a Kooth- . lng Syrup, and take no other kind. |