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Show SIIOITING IN LONDOiY. A Blngor'a Exporlonoo with Drlt-leh Drlt-leh Shop-Koopora. Tliey Keep Kiery Tlilne Unitep IajcIc anil Key anil Look l)on Onatomera with Su.plelon. Kyea-A Hunt for a Jacqueminot lloae In an Interview with tt New York Hernlil reporter n fclngor who lias undorsono mtith of tier training ribrorul deacrlUta her acnrcli after a ilcalred article In n Irtnilon aloro. "Inlximlontlioykcap ovory thins under lock apd koy. Why, I went to tho ahoo maker of Ills Iloyal lllghnoaa tho I'rlncn of Walca to buy a pair ol rubbers. Hero's tho oonvoi aallon that attended tho salo I ".'What woulil tho lady llkol' '"A pair of rubbers.' "'Oh, yes. Mr. Brown, ploaso step this way. "Mr, llrown nppears nud Inquires I "'What would joullko, tnlast" "'Ilubbcrs.' '"Oil, yes, ToaiJ Ick I Foadlck, plessocall Charles to unlock tho ilrawor tho ssndals aroln.' "Charles comes forward, unlocks drawer after drawer till I find a pair to fit, and I begin to look upon rubbers as very vnluablo articles and wonder If I must keep mlnoln a Jowcl enso hereafter "Vml trn It. In n ..I........ .. . . . r, .... .. I'lviiiit. Kiiiicry, nnu ovoiytltuo you turn your head youseoa fiard behind jou watching Unit ymidonot tnkn any thlnff, nnd thero aro Itiminierablo Injunctions to 'Movoon, 'Don't touch the pictures,' 'No canes or umbrellas allowed Inside,' otc "You havo only to croesthn channel-a short hour and a half It takes-ntid you aro Ina totally different nation, different cos-lumes, cos-lumes, different lanRimge, and oh I how different dif-ferent tho customs. Kvery thing Is open to Inspection. No ono suspects yon of belnff a thief: nothing Is under lock and key. "Why, I havo been to thol'nlnraof Versailles Ver-sailles on a fountain day when probably ton thousand wero there, and nil you saw of rsplonogowas a man to let you In and ono to let you out And Inaldo von can walk nil through, look at the- beautiful vases, plct urea, rarest objects of ait without a protest pro-test from nnv one For all I could fee, one could carry off two or thrco vases, nnkohls umbrella through n picture, punch a holo In tho wall, drop dynamltoln a corner nnd no ono woulil know ho did It. "And the Kngllsh trndcspeoplo aro so slow comprehending jou, nhllotho French understand tbo slightest nod, nnd evennu-tlclpato evennu-tlclpato your wishes, "I went Into a florist's In London nnd asked for somo Jacqueminot roaes. " 'Ah,' said tho proprietor, 'Jack Jack ' " 'Jacqueminot roses " 'Oh, yes. Miss Clara, please- como forward.' for-ward.' "Miss Clara appears " 'Whnt would tho lady likol' "Jacqueminot roses-red, red roses ; something some-thing llko June roses, you know ' "'Juno roses, Uownianyl' "'I don't want Juno roses. Jacqueminot roses; something llko Juno roses, I said ' "'.Mr Ill-own!' Miss Clara calls. "Mr. llrown appears on tho sceno to play bis lit t Jo part In the) farce " 'Whatdid you say you wanted!' Inquired MUs Clara "I was getting qullo desperate, "'Ited roses Jacqueminot lied sort of magontn, color Mc.intlmo I was turning mngenta color mvself with fremy. " 'Mr. llrown, havo wo any Jack' " 'Jacqueminot roses,' I said, foebly. " 'What did tho lady say sho wished I' la quired Mr llrown, suavely. "'Jacqueminot roses. lied nearly llko Juno roses ' " 'Wo can glvo you some very handsomo yellow roses.' " 'No, I want Jacqueminot. Havo you nonol' " 'Wo havo sevoral other varieties. Allow Al-low ino to show you somo.', " 'No, thank you.' "Miss Clara hero Inquired polltoly If tho lady would not tako soma Juno roscsf "'No, no I' "'Wo havo several other varieties. Allow Al-low mo to sho.v you some,' said Miss Clara, like a phonograph of Mr. llrown. "'No.no, not llhaukynu.' "As I neared tho door tho ptoprlctor. who had first passed moover to Miss Clara, advanced again with: 'What did tbo lady wish)' " 'Jacqueminot roses,' "'Mia Clara, haven't wn any thing to pleasotho lady I Hhow her soma yellow roses ' "'No. I thank you, no,' and I escaped "Well, I woutfrom pno cmj of llegeiil street to Ilia other, from ono end of Oxfoid nticet to tho other, nnd passed through that Identical expeelenro lit overy florist' shop, but did not find nsioglo jnequeminot rose. "Now, In I'arls, If thoy haven't the thing you want thoy tell you so, tako your address nnd tho following daysendtho very nrtlcles to you on approval " |